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Veronicas P.O.V
I woke up to an unfamiliar place. I looked down to see both of my legs tied to the chair. I tried not to flip out so just moved my wrists to untie them but..... my wrists are tied behind the chair. I start looking around in panic. My mouth is blocked with a rope in it. I couldn't scream, so I just started breathing heavily. I looked around more and I was alone. I tried to collect myself and gather my thoughts, but I couldn't. I screamed as loud as I could with the rope in my mouth. I exhaled and my breath shook. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds and heard a door open. My head shot up to the door opening in front of me. I saw a tall man with a scruffy beard. He looks familiar....

"Hello veronica. My name is FP. I will be taking care of you for the rest of he month along with some of the other serpents."

FP. That's jughead's dad. Oh my god. This was the serpents doing?

"Oh here, let me take this out," he took the rope out of my mouth and I moved my jaw around.

"Any questions?" He asked taking the rope in his hand. I was about to..... but I decided to save it and ask another one of the serpents.

I shook my head and he proceeded out the door.

I took a moment to process everything. Wait.... isn't jughead a serpent?


I picked my head up and saw a boy standing in front of me with a leather serpent jacket on and a beanie.

"Jughead?" I slowly asked.

"Hello Lodge." He said again walking up to me.

"Jughead what is this?" I asked waiting for a response.

"See we had a deal lodge. All you had to do was say 'yes'. That's all you had to do. But you didn't, and they took me to jail."

"But you got out," I said slowly.

"Yes, yes I did Veronica. But still. You've grown a new attitude I don't like." He said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Oh no you don't like my attitude. So what? What are you gonna do? Huh? You can't do anything," I said looking around the room.

He pushed the chair back and held it to where it almost fell. I gasped as he put his face close to mine.

"You may be the queen of the school, but you're in the south side now. You're not a north side princess from this point on. I'm in charge here. Your my property now Lodge." Then he set my chair back down. I caught my breath and looked at him.

"I have a... I have a few questions."

He nodded and crossed his arms. "Shoot," He said.

"Number one, why are you guys doing this?"

"Oh I can't tell you that honey. That's confidential information."

"Okay, Fine. Then what are you going to do to me?" I asked avoiding eye contact.

"Wait and find out. I don't want to spoil anything just yet. I'll just say one thing.... you sure as hell won't be treated like the princess that you think you are."

I sighed. "How long am I going to be here?" I asked looking up at him.

"Well a month for now, unless we receive different orders." He said walking around me on the chair. "Any more questions?" He asked before coming around once more in a circle to me.

"Um.. no." I said looking at my tied legs. "Oh wait! Can you...untie me?" I asked him trying to be nice.

"Sorry, no can do. I have my friend, and someone you personally know, coming in here. Multiple people."

"And I have to be tied up for that?" I asked rudely.

"Yup. Well, for sweet pea-" he looked at my expression which had changed to a worried face.


"Well sweet peas a serpent."

"I know that, I mean... what does he want?" I asked getting frustrated with him.

"I don't know, probably wants to see his girlfriend in captivity." He said laughing and turning toward the door.

"Me and sweet pea broke up."

He quickly turned around and he seemed shocked. Did sweet pea not tell him?

"What?" He asked stepping close to me.

"Yeah we broke up on Friday."

"I'm sorry I have to go," he said as he walked out the door.

"Jughead! Jughead!" He didn't listen and left, closing the door behind him.

I tried to clam myself down, even though I wanted to burst out crying.

Minutes later, the door opened.

"Toni!" I yelled. "V!" She yelled as she ran to me. She hugged me and I hugged back as much as I could with my hands tied.

"Toni you gotta get me outta here. Please untie me and run. I'll never tell." I asked her probably sounded psychotic.

"Sweetie I would if I could, but this is my family."

"Who has kidnapped me! Toni I don't know what they're going to do to me. I'm scared." I said biting my lip.

"I'm sorry hunny. I really wish I could do something. And I don't know what they're going to do to you, and I wish I could stop this I'm so sorry. I hope you'll be okay," she said getting up from crouching.

"Toni please don't leave me like this," I yelled after her.

"I'm sorry, I can't be here, I'm sorry!" She yelled in tears and went out the door.

"Toni!" I yelled almost in tears. I shook myself out of it and shivered. I looked to the ceiling and took a deep breath. I was now a captive. Someone is holding me hostage, and I don't know why. I bit my lip holding back the tears that were pricking my eyes. I took a deep breath trying to figure out how long this will go on for, and how I will manage to stay alive. Then, I turned to see the door open. When I saw the person behind the door who had on a sweet smile, I thought maybe, just maybe, I'll be okay. Little did I know, that was the worst misjudgment in history.

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