panic and wonderings

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veronicas P.O.V
My eyes slowly opened and I was still on the ground. I sat up with all my strength and looked around. I was all alone. No surprise there. I'll probably be alone for the rest of my- OH MY GOD!! MY LEG!!

I look at my leg and see it covered with blood. The bone looked displaced and I started breathing heavily. The jeans were ripped like crazy. Holes weaving in and out. Shit I'm going to have to pay for this. I looked around once more to find no one. I had no one around me. I was freaking out. All of the sudden I start screaming. I don't know why. I screamed for help. My head hurt like crazy. But no where as much pain as my knee. All of my thoughts started washing back over me like a wave all at once. And in them, I almost drowned.

jugheads P.O.V
I was walking home from school. From the musical. Correction: the massacre. Well over reaction, but it was a horrible sight to see. One of the river vixens own. I had my camera in my bag and had shut off the tape right after I saw the bad image. I was walking home with my headphones on trying to drown out the screams that kept repeating themselves in my head. I decided to take a walk instead of just going home. I needed to clear my head. Especially about what Archie said earlier to Betty. And how she smiled. And how I didn't say anything to him and just taped the whole thing. Wow. Just thinking about that depresses me. I'll have to speak to Betty tomorrow. After multiple twists and turns I take off my headphones and try to think happy thoughts. Well, not exactly happy but more cheerful than I was thinking before. It's better than listening to sad songs that make you want to slit your wrists. I take off my backpack and put my headphones and phone in it. As I'm doing so I hear distant panting. I don't acknowledge it. Then I hear distant cries. I furrowed my eyebrows and look around. Did I have super strong hearing or something? I zipped back up my backpack and continue walking. I walk down one street and then hear footsteps. I try to ignore it but it gets louder. I walk faster thinking it might be behind me. Then I hear more cries. I feel like I'm in a Stephen King movie. My heart beat just a little faster as the cries got much much louder, and the footsteps turned into loud stomps. It wasn't like a marching band, it was like.... like someone was running. Really fast. They started to get closer together. One loud stomp after another. The crying got louder as the stomps did. And then more panting. My head was starting the hurt. Maybe I should- wait... is that...?
That's all I could say before she rammed into me. I fell to the ground, my backpack coming off of my one arm and going into the grass. I hit the hard cement. Ow now my head is really hurting now. My eyes were closed when I slowly started opening them. I see Veronica laying about a foot and a half away from me. She had blood coming down from both corners of her head. Her cheek was scratched and her eyes were closing. Ugh. Veronica Lodge. I heard new rumors about her everyday. She was apparently a slut, a spoiled bitch, narcissistic, and a total pain in the ass. All from rumors. And that's only what I've heard today. Although I hated her guts and her family I couldn't let her lay there possibly dying. I got up quickly and started shaking her. She opened her eyes a bit more and picked her head up a little. Which she shouldn't have done because when she did she blacked out and her head banged once more on the ground.

I panicked. She was such a bad person, but being in the serpents, I can't let someone lay here in pain, hurt. Even if it definitely ISN'T one of my own. I tried to get my cellphone out of my backpack hurriedly and ended up dropping my phone on the ground. I was surprised it didn't crack. I smiled and laughed a little and then aided back to Veronica. I got my phone back out to call for help, and then I sat there for a minute. I looked at her. I never realized how pretty she was. Yes, she's covered in blood, but I always looked at her as her father. I quickly shook myself out of it and got my phone. I thought she might want to see how she looked before I rescued her like a serpent prince in shining leather. I stood up, took a quick pic of her body, and smiled and laughed. I put it back in my pocket but I accidentally missed it. My phone fell to the ground with a shatter. Didn't have to look to see it was broken, but I picked it up anyway. The essence of my phone. Shit. My dad's gonna kill me. Especially for helping out a lodge. Well damn jug, I guess karmas a bitch. And according to whisperings, so is Veronica. I turned back to her and checked her pulse. Still breathing. I need to go find a first aid kit or something. I rummaged through my bag and found a twenty. I smiled and picked up my backpack. I moved veronicas hair out of her face accidentally getting some blood on my hands. I try to wipe it off but it stained my 'S' shirt. Shit again. "I'll be back asap Lodge," I said getting up and running to the gas station. I bought the kit trying to hurry. The cashier was taking an annoyingly long amount of time to ring it up. I snatched it out of his hand when he was done and ran as fast as I could out of the store. I heard someone calling after me. It sounded like the cashier. Maybe I didn't give enough money. Maybe I forgot my change. But whatever it is, I have no time for it. I suddenly stop dead in my tracks and realize I don't have my backpack. It had my camera and my broken phone in it. Shit again, again. I ran at lighting speed back to the store picked up my backpack, shot the cashier a smile and ran back. I heard faint yells in the distance. it sounded like someone was saying 'help me, help me'. It was followed by loud sobs. 'Veronica'. I thought to myself as I ran faster. She continued crying and I ran at full speed. I came around the corner and saw her lying there staring at her leg panting heavily. I tried to call her name but I was so out of breath. I was now panting, realizing how tired I am from running. I run as fast as I could towards her and she saw me right before I got to her. I crouched down and threw my backpack with my 300$ camera in it to the side. I take out the first aid kit and open it up. Her cheeks were drenched with tears. I wiped a few away, and comforted her the best I could. "It's going to be alright, I'm here Ronnie", I said not realizing I had just said Ronnie. I thought she would say something obnoxious like usual, but she just continued crying into my shoulder, not realizing she covered my shirt with her blood. It felt weird hugging her, it felt wrong, but yet I didn't pull away. No part felt right, but yet I didn't pull away. To be honest, at one point, it kinda felt like I was cheating on Betty... why haven't I pulled away?

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