Kanna's Past

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"Kanna, whatever it is, we're here for you. Don't cry." said Pidge, sitting beside the white paladin.

"You need to hear me out before you say that."

Kanna took a deep breath. She wasn't ready, but she had no choice.

"When I left Earth I was fifteen. I traveled from planet to planet for about a year, trying to figure out how to get to Elendaria. During one of my stops, the planet I was in was attacked by a group of Galra."

Kanna looked out into space, trying to choose her words carefully.

"They were different then Zarkon's soldiers, though. They were lesser in number, but much stronger and smarter. I didn't have much fighting training then, so it didn't take long for me to be taken prisoner. That's when I met their leader." said Kanna. "He was a young, very skilled Galra soldier. He asked me who I was, and what I was doing on that planet. I spit on his face in response."

"That's my girl." said Lance, smirking. Keith gave him an angry look.

Kanna ignored the comment and continued:

"I was taken to his ship and put in a cell for weeks. The young soldier came by every day, simply to sit by my cell and talk. At first, I just ignored him. But after a couple of days, I started engaging. I told him about my life on Earth and about my family."

Kanna looked down at her hands.

"When I told him I was half human and half Endari, he advised me to give up my hopes of being welcome in Elendaria. He said half-bloods have a bad reputation everywhere in the universe. Then he explained to me that his crew was made up of misfits and half-bloods who were never accepted anywhere."

Before Kanna could stop it, more tears began running down her face.

"He told me his life goal was to put an end to all the chaos that was plaguing the universe by bringing together all people; that way no one would ever be left out, and all would live as one. Peace through unity, he said." explained the white paladin.

"He told me I could be a part of his team; said he would teach me to fight. He said he saw great power within me, and he would help me awaken it. So I joined him... His name was Lotor."

Upon hearing that name, everyone in the room gasped.

Keith and Pidge moved away from her almost instantly, which hurt Kanna in an unimaginable way.

But she knew she had to continue.

"Three years passed, and that crew became my family, while Lotor became my North Star. He taught me to fight, to command armies, to pilot ships." said Kanna, looking down in shame. "I cared for him more than anyone, and him for me."

Keith looked like he was about to be sick.

"We travelled the galaxies, from planet to planet, spreading his agenda of peace by taking control. At the time, I thought I was saving the universe."

Kanna closed her fists in anger and continued:

"However, the more we conquered, the more I started to see what we were really after. It wasn't peace, it was power. I refused to let myself really believe it, though. Until one day, Lotor brought me a little girl. Her name was Akia."

"He had found her on a scouting mission, and told me to train her. Despite being against the idea, I did. She grew to be like a little sister to me, and I would have given my life to protect her." explained the white paladin. "Some time passed, and Lotor wanted to take Akia along with him on a mission. I told him she wasn't ready, but he did it anyway..."

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