Begin the Blitz

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Team Voltron was gathered on the bridge while Kolivan's image was projected onto the castle's displays.

The paladins and the blades were discussing plans on how to move forward.

"Entire Galra fleets have been mobilized. Zarkon seems to be out looking for Lotor." said Kolivan.

"It's only a matter of time before he gets the empire back in order." said Shiro. "We need to take advantage of this moment."

"What are you getting at, Shiro?" asked Princess Allura.

"Now is the time to assemble the coalition that Voltron has been building." explained Shiro. "With intelligence gathered by the Blades and coalition observers, combined with Pidge's Galra tracking software, we now have a detailed map of the Galra Empire."

Shiro then made his way to the control panels and pulled up a map which showed a line of pinpointed locations.

"I've identified an intermittent line of coalition planets that runs through the territory. If you look closely, there's only one Galra-occupied planet left on that line." said Shiro.

"Naxzela." said Kanna.

"Exactly." said the black paladin. "If we capture Naxzela and solidify that line, we can cut off all the Galra troops behind it from central command and use our position to defeat them."

"Wow! We could take back a third of the Galra Empire in one fell swoop!" said Pidge.

"Do we have a plan?" asked Hunk.

"We attack several locations across the region, at once." said Shiro. "First, we'll have to cut off communications between the region and Galra Central Command by striking the satellite relay station orbiting Vantax Five."

"Pidge and I can handle that." said Hunk.

"The Blades have informed us of two Galra defense systems coming online called Zaiforge cannons." continued Shiro. "Now, these cannons can strike any target within our combat theater. The first, in high-orbit around the planet Teq, will be attacked by coalition air forces led by Matt and Captain Olia. Kolivan will lead a Marmoran strike team against the second cannon, located on the surface of Senfama, which is vulnerable to a covert ground attack."

Kolivan nodded in response.

"We intend to take control of these cannons and use Zarkon's own fire power against him. Once the coalition forces and Blades neutralize these targets, Galra defenses will be weakened, allowing us to take down the remaining Galra-occupied planets in this area.
While our forces are taking control of the planets, Naxzela will already be under attack."

"By whom?" asked Allura.

"Voltron." replied Shiro.

"Aw, yeah!" cheered Lance. "Team Voltron's gonna drop in Naxzela, form Hunk's giant laser cannon, and be all like, "Pow! Pow! Pow!" said Lance. "Easy-peasy."

"Unfortunately, not that easy." said Shiro. "Naxzela will be tough. It's heavily-fortified with Galra.
Our attack must be swift enough to neutralize the Galra forces before they have time to contact Galra Headquarters. 'Cause, if they call for reinforcements, we'll be caught in a fight on two fronts."

"If this works, the Voltron Coalition will possess a third of the Galra Empire's territory." said Kolivan. "It will be a massive victory."

"And inspire a whole new wave of rebellions." said Kanna.

"There's no time to waste." said Shiro.


The paladins then set off to gather the Voltron coalition.

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