Chapter six_(06)

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••If you think you can, then you can.
But if you think you can't, then you can't••

       I plopped down in one of the chairs at the back row in the assembly hall and a long sigh escaped my lips, being exaggerated by the echoing silence of the hall. I don't know why, but I just suddenly felt like crying. The least I had expected was betrayal from Mary. I didn't even understand why or what the hell was going on, but maybe she would have a good explanation. Or maybe I was even overreacting, but the tears came before I could stop them.

Soundless tears opened up a vault of locked up emotions and I gradually got mad at myself, and then I felt angry at Mary, and then I felt sad, and then I felt dejected, and then I felt angry again. I was a mess and I knew I had to use my drugs immediately cause those were the symptoms of my PD and I sighed again, then got up reluctantly to go back to my dorm room and get my drugs before I did something that I would regret.

Sweat started trickling down my face and neck slowly as I walked along the hallways, towards the female hostel and my fingers clutched my skirt tightly, my teeth clenching as I tried to keep the crazy me at bay.

"Hey why do you look so mad? I was only joking around with the picture thingy," a voice startled me out of my concentrated strides to the hostel and my head snapped up immediately.

An unfamiliar, yet familiar face stared back at me and my brows creased as I tried to recollect where I'd seen that face before. It seemed like a distant memory and it wasn't coming back, so I gave up trying to remember as I took a step back—maybe it was even part of the symptoms of my PD. I was about to apologize cause I thought I had bumped into him, until what he'd said earlier registered.

"You were what? You're the one who took my picture earlier?" I asked, my eyes narrowing into slits, as alarm bells went off in my head. Time was running fast, and I needed to take my pills or something disastrous could happen.

"Yes and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you but...don't you remember me?" He asked in his accent that I recognized to be Californian. Come to think of it, he didn't have Nigerian features. He had a stylish haircut and his hair looked like he dyed it black, making it stand out against his really pale complexion. His cool coffee brown eyes held recognition and I just stared, sweat trickling down my temple in gallons now as my blood started boiling.

", no I don't remember you. Have we met before?" I asked and wondered how I could have met him. All the times I've been out of the country, it had been either for a relative’s party, or for some family gathering with my grandparents in Texas. Except for when I was...sick and had to see a doctor in LA. Even then, I couldn't have met him cause I'm not the social type—even if I was, my seizures would be in the way of any socialization. And it didn't look like I met him somewhere here in Nigeria, cause the guy was sure as hell 100% white. I even wondered what he was doing here, not that we don't have foreigners in the school, in fact, there are almost more Indian than Nigerian students. I just didn't get the reason why they would want to leave their countries.

"It's okay, I didn't really expect you to remember. I was just happy to see a familiar face, but it's all cool. Are you really okay? You're covered in sweat and you're trembling," he spoke again, a disappointed look clouding the recognition his eyes held before and I looked away from him, feeling unnerved that someone that wasn't Mary was witnessing one of my moments.

"I—I'm fine, I just..." And I was cut off by a loud siren-like scream from the inside of my skull.

No...this shouldn't happen here! Not now!

My eyes rolled back in their sockets and I felt my body start vibrating like I was holding onto a naked wire with a 450 voltage current. I started thrashing and screaming and punching and biting and...

And that's all I remember.

     I woke the sickbay again. I sighed, looking up into the ceiling and then deciding to sit up and get myself out of there, until I saw a head rested right beside me, on the bed. A mane of full dark hair was tickling my left arm and I frowned, poking the head with my index finger.

"Oh hey, you're awake." The boy from earlier said groggily as he woke up due to my pokes. He ran a hand tiredly over his face and got up from the metal chair he sat on. "Are you okay?" He asked, sounding worried and curious.

Well, curiosity killed the cat!

"I'm fine. Why are you here?" I frowned and got down from the bed, then proceeded to fill the sickbay attendees book and get out of there before nurse Ife came back to stop me.

"Uh, I brought you here when you um—"

"Well, thank you but I didn't need your help!" My voice rose as I interrupted him, getting angry for no exact reason.

"Whoa! Simmer down hot sauce! You don't need to get all mad at me and I'm sorry, but you didn't look like you could handle yourself!" His voice rose too as a frown took over his face.

"Thanks for your help. Let's never meet again!" I yelled in his face, threw the black pen I used to fill the sick ledger away and marched out of the room angrily.

The leather Gucci watch on my wrist said it was almost nine and assembly was definitely over, so I just trudged to my first class, which I was terribly late for.

I just hope Mr. Okoro's likeness for me will make him overlook it and not hand me a detention note.


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