Chapter twenty-two_(22)

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••I say it doesn't,
But it does.
It does hurt••

   I regretted my actions immediately, but it was done and there was no going back. I let out a deep breath, then stripped, grabbed my toiletries bag and headed into the bathroom.

Minutes later, I was running to my first class, binder in hand as I dashed across the hallways in a mad sprint...and then boom! I bumped into someone and down I went, tumbling with all my papers flying about. My butt hurt and my elbow throbbed from the rough impact with the floor as I struggled to get up and pack my papers before the wind opened a charity foundation with them.

"Fuck! Can't you watch where you're going!" A voice growled beside me as I scrambled to catch the flying papers and I remembered the reason I was in that situation in the first place--I had bumped into someone.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry! Are you hurt? I'm so sorry, I'm almost late for maths class and I've had a warning already. You know how Mr Okoro is," I mustered my best apologetic tone, hoping the boy was an ss3 student so he would understand my predicament as I waited for him to sit up.

"And that's why you should be more organized and stop trying to kill people in the fucking hallways!" He yelled and got up, dusting invisible dust off his tie. Ifeanyi. I recognized him from my physics and probably English class and a frown replaced my worried look immediately.

He doesn't have to be so rude now, does he?

"I didn't bump into you on purpose and I already apologized, so why do you have to be so rude?" I said, my brain warning me that I had only about three minutes more till I was late.

"You apologized? So you think an apology makes what you did just go away?" He sneered and I folded my arms across my chest, my binder pressing against my boobs.

"Stop talking like I killed someone will you? If a genuine apology isn't enough for you, then go fuck yourself!" I fired back, suddenly angry as I stormed past him to maths class, not waiting to hear whatever retort he had in mind.

You shouldn't go around making enemies for yourself now, should you?

My annoying subconscious chipped in, letting my guilty conscience have her way and I huffed as I made my way into the class, glad that I was a few seconds early as I settled in my usual spot beside Mary...except, Mary wasn't there. She was at the back...with Stephanie's clique.


"Good morning class, we have a surprise test this morning. Get your pens and brains ready!" Mr Okoro enthusiastically announced and groans and silent protests arose all around me. I just sighed and scratched my head. The thing was getting really itchy these days, and I knew I had to loosen the all-back I'd had on for weeks and wash it.

The day went by like that, surprise tests springing up in almost all the classes, except English.

With a relived sigh, I settled at my desk and dropped my binder and all my things as I waited for the class to fill up so my favourite class of the day could begin.

"Psst!" A voice hissed as I scratched my head vigorously, mentally cursing myself for being so negligent that it'd gotten that way. I frowned and ignored, even though I had a feeling the sound was directed at me.

"Hey you! Are you deaf?" The person spoke and I still didn't turn around.

Until you learn some respect and learn to call people by their actual names, you can go jump off a building!

"Mayowa!" The person finally yelled and I took my time to plaster a faux smile on my face and slowly turn around.

Ifeanyi's scowl met with me and I sighed, dropping the smile. I still felt bad for lashing out at him earlier that morning even though he'd provoked me, but I was so easily set off because that morning had started off on a bad note, with Stephanie's false accusation and all. I was stressed to my bones.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about this morning. I was in a bad mood and I didn't want to be late, but that's not an excuse to be rude or mean, so yeah...I'm sorry?" I let out my thoughts before he could speak because I knew if I gave it a second thought, I would just lock up behind my walls again.

He stayed silent, eyes slightly wide as he stared at me like he was surprised. I guessed he hadn't been expecting an apology.

"Um-" he later found his voice, but Mrs Hathway walked in at that moment, her British accented greeting snapping us all to attention.

I gave Ifeanyi a small smile, before turning back to join the class in greeting.

   "I hate that we have only physics together!" Wilson whined, dragging his tray against the counter as we moved to the salad lady. They were serving fried rice and chicken salad that afternoon, but I hate salads so I just moved to the fridge to grab two bottled water for Wilson and I while waiting for him to get his salad serving.

"Live with it, you big baby!" I teased and he stuck his tongue out at me, then picked up his food tray to walk beside me.

"Here," I handed him the water I got him and he smiled, his cute lips stretching out over his teeth.

What! Cute??


"Hey! Mayowa, come sit with us!" A yell from the left of us caught my attention and I turned to see Ifeanyi waving me over with a bright smile.

Wait...what? Is he talking to me?

I looked at Wilson, surprise surely evident on my face and he stared back at me too, his shoulders lifting in a confused shrug, and I looked back at Ifeanyi and his group of--sorry to say--loud friends and a grimace crossed my lips.

I didn't want to be rude and say no, but I didn't want to sit with them either. Plus, why was he being friendly all of a sudden? The boy joined BIS in ss1, if I remember correctly and his good looks and bad boy charm quickly gained him stupid followers and his own clique. We'd never had any reason to run into each other or communicate before and that morning was just an accident...but I didn't understand why that suddenly opened a portal for friendliness between us.

"Um, can we join them just for today?" I turned back to Wilson, my right hand holding all the weight of my tray as my left went to scratch my head. After all the battle in my head, the courtesy classes my parents made me take when I was much younger won over and I decided to sit with them, just to be polite. I would be sure to decline next time, I told myself.

If there's a next time.

"Sure, but what about Faith and Ada?" Wilson asked and I couldn't help but laugh at how Ada's name sounded with his Californian accent.

"They can do without me for a day," I answered and he shrugged, then started walking towards Ifeanyi and his friends, a weird and indecipherable expression on his face.


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