Chapter thirty-one_(31)

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••Not so good now,
Are we?••

      Whoa! Was all my mind could come up with as we stepped into the hall. Faith and Ada had long disappeared with promises of finding us later and Wilson still held on to my hand, even as he greeted some people that passed us by.

Everyone looked absolutely stunning! And I swear I'm not exaggerating. Different faces, both the ones I recognized from same classes and the ones I didn't, everyone looked like they belonged in some fancy royal ball. I had no idea what a dinner party looked like, but that definitely wasn't what I'd imagined at all.

The hall had been decorated--scratch that! Transformed--into a magnificent space with bright lights shining down from the high ceilings. Balloons floated midair like they were being held by some mysterious, invisible rope and I gaped at the huge chandelier that drooped down from the middle of the high ceiling--even our chandelier at home isn't that big or beautiful!

And then there was the food stand. Rows and rows of wine--non-alcholic--were arranged on a table, reaching up to form an A shape and I couldn't seem to close my mouth as my eyes moved on to the other tables. in all its entirety and mighty glory filled an entire portion of the hall, arranged stylishly on tables against the wall in a buffet style. My mouth watered and just as I turned to Wilson to suggest we go get food, a man? No, definitely boy, walked up to us with a tray holding several flute glasses of wine and a bright smile on his face. He seemed like a junior, but I couldn't tell in his white tuxedo and black bow tie that made him look like a waiter that served champaign's at rich people's parties.

"Enjoy the party mi'lady," he gave me small bow after handing me a glass of wine and then bowed to Wilson too. "Sire," and then he jutted his chin out and walked off.

Wilson and I stayed rooted on the spot for a while, staring at each other confusedly with wine glasses in our hands, and then we burst out laughing. We laughed so loud that a few heads turned our way but we didn't care, the whole thing was just too hilarious.

What the heck!

"This is crazy!" I said in between laughter and Wilson nodded in agreement, still laughing too.

"Hey you guys! Having fun?" Ada's voice suddenly came through as she materialized in front of us, looking even more beautiful under the bright lights.

"Yeah, I had no idea this is what dinner parties look like," I said and laughed a bit again, the incident earlier still striking humor in me.

"This isn't actually what its always like o, but I guess because its the last one our set will be having before graduation, they decided to liven it up. Have you seen the juniors acting as waiters?!" She exclaimed, eyes light with amusement and I nodded.

"So they are juniors? I was wondering," Wilson voiced my thoughts.

"Yeah, they're so cute!" Ada laughed and I couldn't help but join. "I think they planned it to be like a royal-ball theme," she added after we stopped laughing and I hmmned in agreement, looking around at the tons of students talking loudly and drinking wine. I wondered if this is what we would do all night and I already felt tired just at the thought.

"Where's Faith?" I asked Ada and then as if in answer to my previous thought on what we would do all night, all the lights went off, plunging us into complete darkness and I moved closer to Wilson instinctively, wondering what was going on.

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