Our Moondust

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I admit it weird to know that someone you known in your life is no longer in this earth. A person that you cut ties with and was dead to you the moment they turned their back on you. Now West is really dead. All I can do is accept it.

"Well that's hard to hear." I say.

What else can I say.

"Channel if you want to talk about it we can." Says my father.

I smiled and shook my head.

"I'm okay dad." I say. Shrugging. I just want to get off this subject.

"Your brother Liam wanted you to come to his funeral tomorrow." Says Mom.

I wasn't going to go. In my opinion that's for Poeple that he cared about and people that care about him. I just don't fit in that.

"We'll see." I say looking at my outfit which was all wet.

"We have something special for you to wear for the party but let's get you showered and cleaned up. You don't want to be smelling like chlorine." Says John switching the subject.

The rest of the day was spent getting ready. I looked in the mirror. I felt very beautiful today. Like a natural type of way.

I looked at John. He smiled knowingly.

"I wanted to try something a little more soft." He says. "You are already beautiful as it is."

I looked at him and hugged him. I appreciate the people that have loved and cared for me as I started from the bottom. John is one to them.

"Remember when Alaric came to see you bone night and you didn't have any make up one?" Says Lucy starting on my hair.

I laughed.
It was a girls and boys night in my room. We were doing face mask, watching movies, listening to music, gossiping, talking. It wasn't until someone is outside my window like a Romeo.

I remeber Coney goes to check because a small rocks were being thrown. Her eyes going wide she still had her face mask on and she happen to have a crush on Zaid.

Who also seems to be very protective of her in a way. Makes at time think that she is his mate but he doesn't want to admit it.

"Omg Alaric and his friends are outside." She says closing the curtains.

I gasped looking around not knowing what to do. What if he doesn't like me with make up on. Of what not. When i say I'm bare... I'm bare face.

Coney groaned falling back if her head falling on my lap.

"He saw me with this face mask on." She says as if she couldn't believe it.

John walked over to the window.

"Where is Channel?" I hear him ask. My heartbeat was going so fast. I had a towel wrapped around hair because I got out the shower and what not.

I signaled John to not tell him.

'I'm not here' I mouthed.

"She said she's not here." Says John then.

I ended up groaning.

"Channel!" He yells.


"Why are you not letting me see you!" He yells.

"Because you never seem me bare face!" I yell out. I don't know why I was being so shy. Usually I'm so sure of myself and my beauty.

I could hear his friends laugh. I wanted to die if embarrassment at this point.

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