Chapter 3

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We're into our third chapter. The idea here, is to upload twice weekly - Tuesdays and Saturdays. (Sorry, I don't seem to be able to write faster).

....But today I have a day off work! Sooo....with a little free time on my hands, I've managed to upload an extra chapter this week....And boys and girls, Chapter four will be uploaded in the usual Tuesday schedule.

Hope I manage to entertain you, a little! Let me know xxxxxxx


And so to Erskine house, London on a summer Sunday morning I was bound. It wasn't really as poetic as it sounded because this was after all England and the day turned out chilly and cloudy.

To be honest, the whole situation felt completely unreal. A sense of having stepped out of my life to watch a movie in which somebody else played me, settled in. I just hoped casting had picked Kate Beckinsale for my part. She was gorgeous, and Harry had expressed an interest on her being his screen wife, during one of the many interviews 1D did for the "This Is Us" movie promo.

If Kate showed up at his doorstep surely Harry wouldn't send her away, which he would undoubtedly proceed to do once he saw me.

Following the given instructions, I arrive safely at my destination. A panic attack that has been standing at the sidelines of my emotions, waiting to jump into the game is severely disappointed, as everything proceeds faultlessly and my brain calls out "All's well, no need to panic".

As soon as the car is visible from the house I get a phone call from Harry's security handler who proceeded to confirm my identity, and next the automatic garage doors open revealing a burly looking man who signals a place to park and hurries to open my door.

"Good afternoon Ms. Clark, I'm Karl. Please come this way Mr. Styles is expecting you." As I begin to explain that my driver won't be staying but will pick me up later the house's front door swings open and a tall lanky, male figure clad in black tight skinny jeans, brown suede boots, and white t-shirt starts to move towards me.

"Hello Bliss, I'm Harry. Nice to meet you, thanks for coming." I hear as I'm engulfed into a huge embrace.

It is really a good thing that Harry Styles is a disciplined sort of person who works out daily and is gifted with considerable body strength because the moment I feel his arms around me I go limp. Thankfully he manages to catch me.

A few minutes later (I was extremely grateful my fainting spell hadn't been a prolonged one) I was lying down on a sofa, on what seemed to be the dining area of a very large kitchen. "How mortifying, this is so humiliating. What am I going to do?" Came rushing into my mind, followed by "Thank God I'm wearing pants, so no flashing knickers."

I nervously begin to sit up, finding the most amazing pair of green eyes staring worriedly at me. When I reach a fully upright position, the owner of said green eyes gives me a genuinely disarming smile while saying: "That must have been some party you went to Saturday night. You have a lingering hangover."

"You have no idea, mate," I think, but instead answer with as much dignity as I can manage "The drive here is over an hour long, and I left without having breakfast"

"I'm sorry, I was joking. Let me tell you, you look absolutely fabulous today. We can sort the missing breakfast thing. Let's commence lunch. I ordered Chinese I hope you like it, but if not we can order anything you fancy."

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