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I walked over to Bryson's house. I knocked on the door loudly. "Hang on," Bryson said. 

He opened the door. "JJ, what you..," he said then I punched him in the face. "That's for cheating on Jaelyn," I said. 

Bryson's parents were at the door. "Why did you punch him?" his mother said. 

"Did you know that your son cheating on Jaelyn while she's pregnant?" I said.

"Bryson Michael Dale, why did you cheat on Jaelyn?" his mom asked. 

"Because I'm an asshole," Bryson said. 

"Bryson also told my sister he wishes Jaelyn had an abortion," I said. 

"Thank you, JJ. We will deal with him," his mother said.

I left Bryson's house then headed back to my mom's house. 

As I got home, I ran upstairs to check on Jaelyn. 


I was still crying my eyes out. I heard a knock on the door. "Jaelyn?" JJ asked. 

"Come in," I said. 

JJ came into my room. "I got your Ice Cream and Kleenex," he said. 

"Mint Chocolate Chip?" I asked. 

"Yes. Blue Bunny Brand," he said. 

"Thank you. We'll share it," I said. 

He gives me a spoon.  We started eating ice cream together. 

"Feel better?" he asked.

"Better. What did you do to Bryson?" I asked.

"I punched him in the face," he said smiling.

"That's my brother. Uncle JJ defended your mommy," I rubbed my bump. 

"Uncle JJ is protective of his sisters," he said to the bump. 

"JJ, why didn't I see this coming?" I asked.

"Teenage boys. I've been there. Plus teen pregnancy wasn't much of a problem back there," he said. 

I nodded. "What did Bryson family think about you punching him?" I asked. 

"When I told him what he told you about 'aborting the baby' his mom told me they'll talk to him," he said. 

"He's getting an ass whooping," I said, continue eating ice cream. 

"He had no right to say that. You made the choice to keep the baby. He's too much of a coward to be there for you," he said. 

"I know but I'm still keeping the baby. I can take care of this baby on my own," I said. 

"I am proud of you. Standing up for yourself. You really are growing up," he said. 

Seven Months Pregnant/April 2010

Seven Months Pregnant/April 2010

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