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Next Day 


I woke up, got Bridgette up. "Bridgette Jolene, time to wake up!" I said, waking her up. She sat up and held her arms out. I picked her up. 

"Okay, lets get ready for Daycare," I told her. 

Bridgette rubbed her eyes and yawned. We went into the bathroom to get ready. 

"Gonna film today?" she asked. 

"Yes, promo for my return to NXT and prepare to debut the Rebel character," I said.

I grabbed a brush to brush her hair. 

"Bridgette, you have too much hair just like my hair," I said.

 "So does auntie Brie and Coco?" Bridgette said. 

"Actually, they have extensions, sweetie," I said. 

"Now that explains it. Do you have extensions?" she asked.

I showed Bridgette my hair. "No. This is all real," I said. Bridgette nodded. 

Bridgette and I finished getting ready. We got in the car, started driving. 

"Bridgette, at the daycare, do you have any friends?" I asked. 

"Yes, there is one. She's really cool," I said.


Brie and I are heading to our mom's house. "Hey Mom," we said. 

"Me and all my kids are here minus Jaelyn," Mom said. 

"Jaelyn wished she could have came but she has NXT stuff," Brie said. 

"She will be in Los Angeles for Summerslam because she has live events with NXT during," I said. 

"That's good. I miss my grand baby," mom said. 

"We miss Bridge," Brie said. "Brianna, I have something for you and Bryan," mom said.

I texted Jaelyn. 

Hey, Jae. Its Nicole. I know you don't want to speak. We are at Mom's. Just want to let you know that she misses you and Bridge.

"Nicole, I have sometime to tell you," Brie said as she continued. 

She started talking about how her, Mom and JJ met up with John then about how I gave up marriage and kids. 

"You got to be joking me? Why would you do that?" I asked. 

"You always talking about that your never gonna get married or not have kids," Brie said. 

"You had no right to talk to my man about how I feel and what I want. That's what your not allowed to do. Was Jaelyn there for that?" I asked. 

"No, she wasn't because she didn't want to get involved. She believes you would blame her if she did," Brie said. 

"I actually glad Jaelyn didn't involved. She knows that I am happy with John. This is why Jaelyn was the Valedictorian of her school," I said. 

We continued to bicker and fighting. "So I am leaving," I said. 

"How can you leave? I'm the one who drove," Brie said. 

I waited for a car services to pick me up. 


I am at the WWE Performance Center. We are filming and recording my promo. 

"Action," Joe said. 

Rebel Bella Prequel: Before The Rebel(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now