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April 2011/10 Months Old


Its one month away from graduation day. I am doing my finals early since I'm almost done and got all my credits done. How did I get so smart? I was never the smart in freshmen year. All of sudden sophmore year, I got better in school. 

Five Minutes Later...

I finished up all my finals. "Thank you, Miss Colace. I will put your report card in the mail," Mr. Williams said.

"Thank you Mr. Williams and Ms. Burbank," I said, smiling.

"There's something else you should know," Ms Burbank said.

"What is it?" I asked. 

"You not just an Honor student. You are you the Class of 2011's Valedictorian," Mr. Williams said.

I gasped. "Thank you so much," I said, smiling.

"Congratulations. We will be looking forward to seeing you in a month and seeing you graduate," Mr. Williams said.

I nodded then went drove home, I went to pick Bridgette up from Daycare. We headed home. "Mom, I'm home," I said. 

"She's not here. She'll be home later," JJ said. 

"Okay. I finished taking my finals. My report card will be in the mail," I said.

"Thats good," he said. 

Bridgette starts fussing. "Is she okay?" JJ said. 

I checked on Bridgette's mouth. "She's teething. Her first tooth is almost coming," I said, giving Bridgette her teething toy.

"She's already 10 months old," JJ said. 

"I know. It makes me realize that she's almost a year old," I said, getting emotional. 

"Time flies," JJ said. 

"It flies too fast. Before I know it she'll be 10 years old," I said. 

"Its okay, Jaelyn. Its life," he said.

I nodded. "Well I better let her take a nap," I said, smiling. 

An Hour Later...

Bridgette and I woke up from a nap. We got dressed.

We went out prom dress shopping with Bailey, Lanie, and Jessica. 

"So Jaelyn, who are you going to prom with?" Jessica asked. 

"Bryson," I said. 

"I thought you broke up?" Jessica asked. 

"We still are. We are going as friends since Bridgette and I will be moving to Florida after graduation," I said. 

"Is he going?" Bailey asked. 

"He's got another year of school. He'll move after he's done," I said. 

They all nodded.

We started trying on dresses. I am trying on some. Most of the dresses are black but they don't look good on me.

"Jaelyn, are you okay?" Lanie asked. 

I sighed, I opened the door. 

"I don't feel confident after I lost some of my pregnancy weight," I said as my voice breaks. 

"Jaelyn, don't cry. Not infront of Bridgette," Jessica said, hugging me. 

I cried in her arms. "You look beautiful in anything you wear," Bailey said. 

Rebel Bella Prequel: Before The Rebel(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now