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May 2011/51 Weeks Old/Almost a Year Old


Tomorrow is graduation day for me and the rest of the seniors. Bridgette's 1st birthday and my 18th birthday is next week. I've been working on my Valedictorian Speech for two weeks straight. Plus planning mine 18th and Bridgette's first birthday as well.

"Mama?" Bridgette asked. 

"Yes, sweetie?" I asked. 

"Food," she said. "Hungry?" I asked. 

She nodded. "Okay, let's get some food, Mommy's hungry too," I said, getting her out of her crib. 

We headed downstairs. My mom was preparing food for my graduation party. Like Cupcakes, Pasta Salad, Jalapeno Poppers etc. "Hey Mom," I said. 

"Hey, Jaelyn. Hey, Bridgette," she said. 

I put Bridgette in her high chair, getting her banana and cheerios. She starts eating her snack. I made a bowl of cereal. 

"Cereal in the afternoon?" my mom asked. "Yes, since I am writing my Valedictorian Speech and I need brain food," I said, smiling. 

"You were always got 'B' or 'C' but after you got pregnant, you got all 'A'," she said. 

"Yeah I know," I said. 

"How did you do it?" she asked. 

"I think it happened after I got pregnant with Bridgette. Even after I gave birth to her, I knew I had to make her proud of me. And Bridgette is one of the reasons why I'm trying out for the WWE not because of Brie and Nicole. They can't tell me how to raise Bridgette and live my life like that always have. Once I had Bridgette, I had to grow up fast. You know what's it like to be a young mom," I said. 

"That's true. Yes, you did grow up. I never thought you would be a teen mom. Things happen we have to accept that," she said. 

I nodded then finished eating. I cleaned Bridgette's face. "Well I better finish my Valedictorian Speech," I said, taking Bridgette with me. 

"Jaelyn, how about I spend time with Bridgette while you do that?" she asked. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. 

"Sure. Plus, do you need anything from the store?" she asked. 

"Yes. Can you get some Fabric Paint? So I can decorate my cap," I said. 

"Sure. Do you have a graduation outfit for you?" she asked. 

"Yes, it's in my closet so is Bridgette's as well," I said, as I head up to my room to finish my Valedictorian Speech.

Next Morning/Graduation Day 

Its the day of my graduation. I was getting ready, finished making mermaid waves. Then I did my make up with a simple eyeliner look. 


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