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June 2nd

I am home in Florida. I drove to Bridgette's school to pick her up. I got out of the car and went inside to get her. "I got a call about my daughter, Bridgette Garcia-Dale," I said. 

"Yes, she's in the nurse's office, Miss Garcia," the secretary said. "Thank you," I said. I went to the nurse's office. "Mommy," Bridgette groaned. 

"Hey, baby, I'm here. What happen?" I asked. "She threw up after eating school lunch," the nurse said. "Okay, well I am gonna take her home," I said. "Okay, thank you for coming to get her. Here's her stuff," the nurse said. 

"No problem and thank you," I said. I picked her up, taking her to the car. I got her in the seat then got in and drove home.  

"What did you guys eat for lunch?" I asked her. "Meat loaf with green beans and pears," she said. "That's what made you sick?" I asked. 

"Yes," she said. "Well you'll be bringing your own lunches," I said. "Mommy, I feel like throwing up again. "Here, throw up in this plastic bag," I said, giving it to her. 

I hear her throwing up in the bag. "Once we get home, I'll give you a popsicle. Maybe that'll calm your tummy down," I said. She nodded. 

Half an hour later, we got home. She laid down on the couch and I gave her a popsicle. "Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome. Once you finish your popsicle, I want you to try and take a little nap. Okay?" I asked. "Okay," she said. 

I sat next to her. She leaned over to me. "Mommy?" she asked. "Yes?" I asked her. "Do you miss Lola?" she asked. "I miss her. Do you miss her?" I asked. "Yes and Rosalie as well," she said. 

"Is Rosalie you best friend?" I asked. "Yes, she was the only friend. Even tho I have more friends but they are not like her," she said. "I know," I said. "Mommy, did you and Lola date each other?" she asked. 

I looked at her. "Well yes, she and I did. We are not together anymore, I still love and have feelings for her and she's still my best friend," I said. "That's good. My popsicle's gone," she said. 

"Does your tummy feel better?" I asked. "A little," she said. "Okay, nap time," I said. "Nap time," she repeats. I picked her up, carrying her to her bedroom. 

Later that Night

Bridgette and I getting ready to watch Monday Night Raw. Bridgette's feeling better. "What do you want me to make you for lunch tomorrow?" I asked. 

"Peanut butter and jelly with apples and juice," she said. "Do you drink milk at school?" I asked. "No because they don't serve lactose free milk," she said. "Okay. What do you drink with your lunches?" I asked her. 

"Nothing. after I finish eating, I get a drink from the fountain," she said. "That's good. I would lactose free milk but your teacher will have to put it in the fridge," I said. 

Raw started playing on the tv. Evolution kicked off Raw. Triple H was rambling about losing to the The Shield. "I saw Auntie Brie quit," Bridgette said. "Yes she did for a storyline," I said to her. 

"No one is getting anything until the Sheild is no more," Triple H said, on tv. "I understand and I quit," Batista said, dropping the mic. 

"Uhoh," Bridgette said. "Didn't expect that?" I asked her. "Nope," she said. "Okay. I am gonna make some dinner. Want me to make you some noodle soup for you?" I asked. "Yes, please," she said. 

I heard the house phone ring. "Mommy, phone," she said. I picked up the phone in the kitchen. "Hello?" I asked. No one responses but I hear breathing. I hanged up the phone. "Who was it, mommy?" she asked. 

"Chasity prank calling," I said, warming up soup for Bridgette in the microwave. "She and Daddy broke up," Bridgette said. "Do you know why?" I asked. "Yeah, she couldn't accept me as his daughter," she said. 

"Well that's very smart of your dad to break up with her," I said. "Yeah well he's been talking to another girl," she said. "Oh okay," I said. 

"Mommy, Auntie Coco's on tv!" Bridgette said. I went to check the tv. "Stephanie, have you seen my sister?" Nicole asked. "Brie quit remember?" Stephanie said. "No not Brie, I meant my other sister; Jae Bella. I need her as my tag partner," Nicole said. 

"No, Triple H and I sent her back to NXT to reinvent herself. So you will be in a handicap match," Stephanie said. Stephanie walks away on the screen. 

I laughed at Nicole's segment. "Breaking out of your shadow, selfish sister," I mouthed. The microwave dings. "Your soup is ready," I said, taking it out, stirring it. Bridgette comes to the kitchen, sitting at table. 

I set her bowl down. "Careful, it's hot," I said to her. "Can I have some crackers?" she asked. I grabbed a bag of oyster crackers, putting them in her soup. 

I ate Trifecta foods. "Mommy, what you making?" she asked. "Oh just some protein food I eat to stay in shape for the ring," I said.

"Speaking of wrestling, Daddy got a job at Full Sail," she said. "Oh?" I asked. "He helps set the ring up for NXT shows," she said. 

Later that night

Bridgette's in her room sleeping. I am watching the end of Raw. I see the Shield including Lauren in the ring. I noticed she has tears in her eyes. "Plan B always works. There is always a plan B," Triple H said. 

I see Seth with a chair and Lauren with a kendo stick. Seth hits Roman with the chair. I gasped, cover my mouth. "Oh my God!" Michael yells on commentary. 

"Seth, why?" Lauren asked.  Dean has a shocked look in his eyes. Dean goes to Seth but Seth attacks him. "Lauren, why are you not stopping him?" I asked. 

Dean looks up at Lauren. "Do it!" Seth yelled at her. "Stop him," Dean said to Lauren. She had tears coming out of her eyes. She hits Dean with the kendo stick. I shut the tv off. "That is not Lauren, that's the Lauren that is forced to do something," I thought to myself. 


I picked up Bridgette from school to take her to Bryson's house since, I am going to Miami to since I invited my girls from my high school in San Diego for the weekend. "Mom, why are you going to Miami?" she asked. 

"To spend the weekend there and have some time to myself since I been taking care of you. You are gonna have fun at your Daddy's right?" I asked. "Yes. I am. Daddy's taking me to Disney for a Father/Daughter weekend," she said. 

"Are you excited?" I asked. "Yes. I get to meet my favorite character there," she said. "Who's that?" I asked. "Sully from Monsters Inc," she said. "You love Sully don't you?" I asked. "Yes. He's so big and cuddly," she said. 

I smiled then I pulled up into Bryson's condo parking lot. I got Bridgette out of the car with her school bag. We walked up to Bryson's door. I rang the door bell. Bryson opened the door. "Hi, Daddy," Bridgette said. 

"Hey, sweetie," Bryson said, picking her up. "Well here's her backpack and she has her outfit for Disney," I said. "Thank you. So when will you be back to get here?" he asked. "I'll come and get her Monday morning to take her to preschool," I said. 

"Okay well tell Jessica, Bailey, Laine, and Leon I said hello," he said. "I will. I hope you guys have fun," Bryson said. "We will. Bridgette be good for your daddy," I said to her. "I will, Mommy," she said. 

"Well give Mommy hugs and kisses," Bryson said, handing her to me. She hugged me and I kissed her on the cheek. "Bye, Mommy. I love you," she said. "I love you too. Here go back to your daddy," I said. 

Bryson got Bridgette in her arms. "Have fun and drive careful," he said. "I will," I said. I left Bryson's place and I headed to the airport to pick my friends up. 

An hour later, I got to the pick up area to get my friends. I gasped as I saw them. "Jaelyn!" they all said. I got out of my Lexus and went to hug them. 

They put their luggage in the back of the car. We got in the car. I started driving to Miami. Jessica was in the passenger seat, whilst Lanie, Bailey and Leon were in the backseat.

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