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Raw After Mania


Its Raw After Mania. Lauren and I have a segment about her retaining the Diva's Championship at WrestleMania. Bryson's here as well but he's at the hotel with Bridgette and Rosalie. 

Lauren was looking all over her promo notes. I was adjusting my shirt. I noticed that Paige was here. "Is that Paige that arrived?" I asked. 

Lauren looked over. "Yeah, she's here. I guess she's debuting tonight," Lauren said. "Oh okay. I wonder against who," I said. 

"I guess we will find out," Lauren said. "So when do we got out?" I asked. "After the debut of Alexander Rusev and Lana. Then it will be me and you in the ring," Lauren said. 

"I'm gonna call Bryson to check on the girls," I said. "Okay," she said. I called Bryson to check on Rose and Bridgette. "Hello," Bryson said. "Its me," I said. "Hey, how's Raw After Mania?" he asked. 

"Its good so far. How's Rosalie and Bridgette doing?" I asked. "They are good. We are spending time in the hotel pool," he said. "That's good. Lauren and I won't be on until after a debut of an NXT Superstar," I said. 

"Okay. We will watch it," he said. "Okay. I just called to check on the girls," I said. "Okay. Have fun," he said. "We will," I said

Lauren Rollins' Segment

Lauren and I went to the ring

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Lauren and I went to the ring. She retained her Diva's Championship last night. Even though I was close to winning the Diva but its how it is. 

"For 311 days I have been your Diva's Champion. Last night I defended this title against everyone Diva in the locker room. Including my best friend Jae Bella. I am the hero of this Divas Divison. As of now I want to be known as not just Empress of the Shield, I am the Empress of the WWE," Lauren said, smiling. 

Someone's music plays. We looked over to see who it was. "Its Paige," I mouthed.

Paige got in the ring. "What the hell are you doing here?" Lauren asked. "I came here to do what no one would and congratulate you Lauren. You did awesome last night," Paige said. "Thank you and actually I don't need your congratulations. You can turn around and go back to NXT my crumpet," Lauren said. 

"I just want to say congratulations," Paige said. "How about I do to every single diva last night. How about I beat you?" Lauren asked. I was standing there. "I'm not ready," Paige said. Lauren slaps Paige. 

"Are you ready now? As a post WrestleMania treat, I will defend my title. Lets get a ref," Lauren said. Paige was still holding her face. "Welcome to My House!" Lauren said. The ref rang the bell. I got out of the ring. 

Lauren started beating Paige down. Lauren irish whipped Paige and does the French kiss kick to Paige. I ran to the ropes and did a drop kick to Paige. Lauren get Paige up to get her in position into the K2 but Paige encounters the Paigeturner to Lauren. Lauren selling it dramatically.

Paige covers Lauren.




I saw Paige beat Lauren. I tired getting in the ring and Paige leaves the ring. 

(JBL: We have a new champion?)

"Here's your winner and new Diva's Champion, Paige," Justin Roberts announced. I got in the ring to check on Lauren. Lauren doesn't noticed what happen. I looked at her. 

After the Match

Lauren and I headed backstage after she lost the Diva's Title. Mark Carrano approached us. "Lauren and Jae, I know Lauren you lost the title to Paige but we have something for you. You are reuniting with your Shield Brothers," Mark said. 

"What about me?" I asked. "You will be trying to break out on your own for a little while, which might lead you a title opportunity," Mark said. I nodded. We headed to catering to eat something.

"Breaking out on my own?" I asked myself. "After you being my protégé, you will do really great," Lauren said. I nodded. "And pushing me into a title opportunity?" I asked. 

"Yeah. You will make a great Divas Champion, even better than me," she said. "Or better champion than Brie and Nikki," I said, smiling. "That too," she said, smiling. 


I was my Sheild Brother. I feel so different without my title. Its the best. I know Jaelyn will take the title from Paige. "How does it feel to be back with us?" Colby asked. "I miss this. Its good to be back," I said.

We got our mask on. Daniel Bryan's getting beat up. Our theme song starts playing. We heard the cheers. "Lead the way, Sis," Colby said. 

I nodded and I lead the way. Colby and Jon walked behind me and Joe walked behind us. Seth jumped over first, then Jon helped me over and followed me and Joe got over. We got on the ring apron. 

Bastisa, Randy and Kane got up the apron as well. "NO NO. This is not happening. We took our masks off and got in the ring. "Check on DB," Joe said. I went to check on DB. "This is not happening into a war!" Triple H said, turning around. 

Roman speared Triple H down. Everyone started a brawl. Dean and Seth pushed Bastisa and Randy over the ropes and then did their suicide dive. Kane grabbed Roman by the neck and I did a chop block to Kane's knee. Roman does a Superman punch. 

We surrounded Triple H as he got up. He got up and put his hands up then turns around. Daniel Bryan does the running knee, taking Triple H down. He rolled out of the ring. I stood on the ropes as well as Seth did. 

Two Days Later

We got home after a busy weekend. Rosalie's back at my mom's house in Davenport. Jaelyn and I are rearranging the apartment. Bridgette was visiting her father since Jaelyn and I need a girls time and plan Bridgette's 4th birthday and her 21st birthday.

"When's your birthday again?" I asked. "May 16th. It'll be 2 days after Bridgette's birthday," she said. "Sometime after Extreme Rules," I said. "Yup, speaking of Extreme Rules; I will be participate in the Divas Battle Royale for the Number One Contendership to face Paige for the Divas Championship," she said. 

"That's awesome. Do you have anything planned for your 21st birthday?" I asked her. "Not really. I don't have anything planned," she said. 

"Maybe we can have a girls day for your birthday," I said. "Sounds good," she said, smiling. 

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