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I am preparing for the Divas Battle Royal. The winner gets to face Paige for the Divas Title at Extreme Rules. Lauren's preparing for her segment with her Shield Brothers since they are pushed to face Evolution at Extreme Rules.

Its weird to break out on my own with Lauren. She's still my bestie. At least I am not being around my sisters. I got into my attire. I left the Women's Locker Room to find Lauren. 

"Jaelyn!" Brie said. I looked over and I saw Brie. "What now?" I asked. 

"Its not bad. I just want to thank you for the wedding gift that you and Bridgette gave to me and Bryan. I wish you and Bridgette were at the wedding," Brie said. 

"You know how Nicole and I are when we are in the same room. Plus, I knew that Nicole didn't tell John she used to be married. She would have blamed me," I said. 

"I know how you two are. Never see eye to eye. She blamed JJ because he told John. I was not happy with Nicole for not telling him and lying to us," she said.

"Well I better get prepared for the Divas Battle Royal. I know Nicole's in it. You should be in it too," I said. "I know. Good luck out there," Brie said.

Divas Battle Royal 
No. 1Contendership Match 

"The following contest is Divas Battle Royale to determine the number 1 contender to face the Divas Champion at Extreme Rules," Lilian said. 

Nikki comes out first. Then Cameron and Naomi, then Alicia Fox, then Layla, then Emma, then Eva Marie, Aksana. Then I came out after Aksana. 

"Jae Bella," Lilian said

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"Jae Bella," Lilian said. I walked down the ramp. 

I got in the ring, then Natalya's music plays. "And Natalya," Lilian said. Nikki stared at me. I looked back at Nikki. 

Natalya got in the ring, the ref rang the bell. We all started fighting. 

Eva got eliminated by Layla. Nikki and I are getting into it. She did an elbow to my face. I moved back into the corner.

Emma and Layla are going at it. Emma puts Layla in the tarantula move. Nikki kicked Layla, Emma held on trying to get back in the ring but Nikki kicked her and Emma get eliminated. 

Layla got eliminated as well. I eliminated Aksana. Natalya tries to eliminate me but I kicked her in the knee, to make her stop. So is Alicia and Nikki.

Naomi jumped off the top turn buckle but I caught her on my shoulders and I eliminated her. Cameron jumped on me and trying to put me in the sleeper, I grabbed her by the hair and pulling her off me and I eliminate Cameron. 

(TP: There goes both members of the Funkadacles.)
(BS: Jae Bella cleaning house.) 

Alicia's almost out of the ring but she pulls Nikki by the hair. I see Nikki's getting her hair grabbed. I ran to the ropes and does a drop kick to Alicia to knock her off. I helped Nikki up. 

Rebel Bella Prequel: Before The Rebel(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now