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One Week Later


Its one week after I made my 1st Raw appearance since I went back to NXT. Tonight I am at Raw in Houston, Texas with Brie and Nikki. I have a segment with Stephanie and Triple H to tell my side of the story.  Brie has one at the end of the show with Stephanie. I'll be with Brie to hold her back.

Lauren and I are hanging out in the locker room before the segment. "So what is your segment tonight?" I asked. 

"Well John Cena is gonna talk about Brock, then Paul comes out then Triple H comes out and gives an announcement," she said.

"Awesome that's gonna be epic," I said, smiling. 

"Yes it will. What's yours?" she asked. 

"Triple H and Stephanie talk about what Brie did and I come out as Stephanie calls Brie," I said, continuing to tell it to her.

At the moment I am backstage. I was watching Stephanie and Triple H's segment. "I thought I could do it but I don't know now. I am having 2nd thoughts, you know? I've been keeping up appearances all week and I am trying to stay strong but here we are, its a little bit different. You know? I can't go back there. I cannot bare to look in our daughters' eyes again at the utter disappointment in their mother You have no idea what that's like. I mean, I'll never get that smell out of my nose," Stephanie said, voice breaks. 

I feel Stephanie's pain. I know what it is like to be a mother because I am a teen mother. Plus what if Brie did that to me and Bridgette had to see that her mother got arrested especially on live tv. 

Triple H, Stephanie, Jae Bella,  and Chris Jericho Segment

"But it was all a simple  misunderstanding. And that's what they are here for or because of the reality of this situation that all of the charges have been dropped. The Resisting arrest charges have been dropped. Everything else was dropped with the exception of on; the assault and battery that Brie Bella has against my wife. Brie Bella just refuses to let that go," Triple H paused. 

I looked at Stephanie. I stood up and kept watching.

"So now, we are here now to try to reconcile that misunderstanding. My wife Stephanie has asked Brie Bella and her younger sister, Jae Bella to come here tonight. So that we can put this whole ugly incent behind us," Triple H said. 

Stephanie takes the microphone. "Brie, if you could please come out here. Well just get this over with," Stephanie said. 

I looked at Vince. He gave the cue to play my music. Then gave me a cue to go out there.

I went through the curtain. I had a mic in my hand. 


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