Week of Fun.

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Dumbles was back at the school by lunch on Wednesday. No one was sure what he did to get off the charges but we were sure that we were going to prank him daily until the next full moon. 

Wednesday: the Hallows spelled the portraits to scream insults at him until midnight. All anyone could hear for the day from the people in the canvas were things like 'big nose' and 'sweet Merlin here comes the fashion disaster, quick call the Aurors' as well as 'baggy arse'. In the end he locked himself in a unused classroom in the dungeons for the night. Hermione put some clean film covered in Muggle glue across the door with a trip wire to turn on a fan loaded with chicken feathers.

Thursday: Luna charmed his lemon drops to scream as they were being eaten which acted as a trigger for any nearby to follow him around, smacking into the back of his head, calling him a monster and a murderer. We spent time in between classes to hide bags of the candy all over the school. He spent the whole day walking around dressed as a chicken (magic doesn't work on Muggle glue) with candy screaming at and hitting him.

Friday: Minerva used her position as Deputy to get the House Elves to move the furniture in the headmasters office and rooms two inches down and three inches to the side. She also got them to spell all his robes to turn black once put on. The House Elves being a little vindictive and wanting to do something more to punish Dumbles, covered his clothes in itching powder and spelled the furniture from gold and red to green, silver and black, adding the Slytherin house symbol.

Saturday: Severus brewed an alteration of the hair removal potion and got the Elves to spike his food with it. The side effects of the potion included the removal of all Dumbles hair (obviously), turned his skin florescent pink, his nails luminous orange and made his nose grow to twice its original size. Dick-a-dore went to Poppy to get a scan done. Needless to say that it didn't reveal anything. When he left he was sporting neon green polka dots (a secret gift from the Medi Witch). The potion would last a week.

Sunday: Fred and George use the map to follow Dumbles about and speak to him from the secret passages. They get a Muggle walkie talkie and get Minerva to place it on the curtain pole in his office. They would say random things at the worst of times. They managed to get the most of the school in on it. Everyone who was partaking in the prank pretended that they couldn't hear the voices in the walls. The only ones who said that they could hear them were the ones who were still licking the mans butt.

Monday: Pomona records baby mandrake crying and places it in his office (the cry's will not knock you out unless it is herd first hand so the cry is only a nuisance) for the day. Filius charms the recorder to change location when he gets close to it.

Me and my siblings approach the head table at breakfast. Only one we have everyones attention do I address the staff "Mother and Father are asking for us to come home tomorrow after our last lesson to discus what happened last Friday. They want to come up with something to ensure that it doesn't happen again."

"I'm afraid that I cant let that happen, Kobaru. I'm sure you can have the discussion in my office..." Dumbles starts.

"I have not given you leave to use my first name Headmaster. Also our parents do not wish to see you at the moment" I state.

"As Headmaster of this school, I forbid you from leaving the premises. I will also be locking the wards to make sure that you don't get out." All the students are now openly staring at us.

"Need I remind you that Tori, Asuka, Tsubame and I are the Heirs of Hogwarts. If closing the school for the night is what we have to do to get home, then we will." Gasps can be herd throughout the hall at this declaration. 

"Need I remind you that I am Headmaster, my law is final..."

"You are only Headmaster for as long as we permit it. So far you have insulted us, threatened us and broke the law by withholding required accommodation, do not add kidnapping to the list." The Triplets have now come to the front of the hall and sat down on the floor eating popcorn.

"The school charter states..." House Elves are actively passing out the crunch treat to the rest of the hall.

"That all students must remain on school grounds unless given permission to leave or are called back home by said students parents or guardians. If you try to keep us here that will be classed as kidnapping. If so then we can use any means to escape our captor. So again, will you allow us to leave or do we have to use force?"

"You will not be going home tomorrow."

"Very well. On your head be it."

Tuesday: My siblings and I wake up and check the wards to find that we are indeed locked in. We get dressed and go to the great hall. The first thing we notice when we walk in is that Dumbles looks unbelievably smug. We lock hands and make our way up to the head table. Everyone is staring and the House Elves have already given out popcorn.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore I..."





"Kaen as Heirs of this noble school, do hereby strip you of your position as Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We block your connection with the wards, take your ability to aparate and create portkeys to enter or leave the school. You will have until Friday to leave the premises of Hogwarts herself will forcibly remove you. As we say it, as we wish it, so be it mote". With that we turn around and leave the hall in a state of shocked silence.

Book 1- Fill the VoidOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz