Chapter 1: Serenade

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There is nothing young children look forward to more than the manifestation of their quirk. They spend hours dreaming about and hoping for it to manifest, and squealing in delight at the slightest inkling it might be coming. As a child, you had the same dreams too. When your quirk manifested, you viewed it as an excellent blessing, a perfect quirk for an underwater hero, . You were five, innocently playing in the bath, enjoying the feeling of the bubbles tickling your chin, as it happened, without you even realizing. You didn't realize the transformation your body was going through as you played.

"(Y/N), are you ready to get out?" Your mother asked, walking into the bathroom, she looked over your body, squealing in as she saw your quirk had manifested.

"Honey, come here! (Y/N) has a quirk!!" She shouted, rushing over to you to get a closer look. She delicately lifted up your hand, admiring the pink, iridescent scales littering your skin. You looked in shock and excitement at the way your body had changed, looking at the small claws that had formed from your fingernails, the way your legs had been replaced by a large, elegant tail, the colors of the sunset. You were equal parts terrified and excited.

"What a beautiful quirk!" Your father galked, walking in to the bathroom. "But wait... what happens when we take her out of the water?"

"Well... I don't know" your mother mumbled, a sense of panic overcoming the both of them. You didn't understand what was going on. Shouldn't they be excited you have such a good quirk? Why were they upset?

After much debate, your parents eventually figured out that you transformed back into back to your normal, human, body as soon as you were dry. After further exploration, and many trips to the nearby ocean, you learned that your quirk had a lot more to it than just swimming well with your added tail. You could breathe underwater, see without any problems in the salt water, and basically anything you needed to stay underwater for lengthy amounts of time. Your family was thrilled with the quirk you had, saying you would be a top hero one day. You had high hopes too, until you learned that there was more to your quirk than you had initially thought.

Darkness surrounded you, the faint sound of waves crashing along the beach pulling your from your slumber. How long had you been asleep? It was hard to tell in the depths of your cave. You stretched your arms out, fingertips lazily brushing against the rock wall that lined your bed. You had a decent enough setup there, a bedroom sized cave large enough to house all of the items you'd collected to make the place a bit more homey: A trash bag to safely transport items through the water, an old photo of your family, and a few remnants of your old life. You sat up in your bed, which was really just a sleeping bag and pillow on top of a pile of soft moss. You didn't really need much, you had no use for clothes or those type of things, as you spent most of your time underwater. There was no need for any cooking utensils either, as you didn't really have anything to cook on anyways.

Your stomach growled as you laid there, the last time you'd ate was yesterday night, but you hadn't 'fed' yourself in months. Pickings had been slow during the winter and spring months, but with summer right around the corner your fast would soon end. You were able to survive off of the small fish that remained active in the cold ocean water, but it almost wasn't worth the trip for what little nutrition they gave you compared to the amount of energy it took to warm yourself up after the frigid dive.

You stood up, stretching your legs as you walked towards the entrance of your cave. Your hideout was deep below the surface of the ocean, one you'd found by chance while wandering the sea floor aimlessly. The entrance was well hidden among a thick growth of seaweed and coral, the hole just small enough for you to squeeze through. A thin tunnel lead to a cave filled with air and illuminated by bioluminescent mushrooms and other plants. Had you found it under any other circumstances, you would've been amazed by it's luminescent beauty, but at the time you were just grateful for a place to sleep safely.

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