Chapter 1: New world

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Finally! After four months of waiting since the beta testing ended, Sword Art Online was finally released to the public. Now because I was a Beta Tester, I was guaranteed a copy thanks to Kayaba.

When I got back home, my parents if you can even call them that, were too busy on their phones to notice I was even there. I don't know why I even try? It's not like they care. They never did. I was just a necessity to keep the family line going. Well fuck that! I'm not some tool or pawn to be used! I am my own person and I will live and die, however, I see fit to do so. It's why I chose the username Mordred. Like Mordred Pendragon I refuse to be a pawn for my so-called family. Heading up to my room, I made sure to lock the door before getting everything set up.

When I was ready, I sat down on my bed for a few moments looking at my nerve gear. Hearing my parents begin to argue as they usually do, when they weren't busy with work, Sword Art Online will become my escape from this chaos. It will be my new reality, where my only limits are how far I choose to go each day.

"Link start!" I said before I was transferred into the game.

Using my old beta testing avatar, I found myself in the Town of Beginnings like everyone else. Walking around town I had the starting amount of 1000 col, maybe I can get some better equipment?

"Hey watch out!" I heard a voice say to me before they ran straight into me. "Sorry man," he apologized as we sat there on the ground.

"It's cool, we can't feel pain so it's no biggy," I laughed.

"Yeah, you're right, but still...wait...Mordred?!" he asked me.

"Kirito?!" I asked him.

"It's you!" we both exclaimed in unison.

"How you been since the beta man?" I asked him.

"Pretty good, you?" he asked me.

"Same shit, different day," I answered. "But enough about that. Let's see what Aincrad has in store for us. Up for some early game farming?" I asked.

"Oh hell yeah!' he exclaimed. "So where were you headed before I ran into you quite literally?" he asked me.

"The blacksmith, see if I can't bet somewhat better gear," I told him.

"That's probably a smart idea," he confirmed as we walked over to Blacksmith shop.

Opening up the store menu items a lot of it was out of my price range until I found a longsword, with a strength boost. It cost 950 cols, but comparing damage stats it was worth it. Buying it, I was now dirt poor.

"How much did that cost?" Kirito asked me

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"How much did that cost?" Kirito asked me.

"Let's just say I'm flat broke," I laughed. "Welp time to go grind," I told him.

"Yeah," he agreed.

"Hey you two, wait up!" an unknown player called to us. "You guys were in the beta, right? So you know where all the high rewarding missions are, think you can help a brother out?" he asked us. "I'm Klien by the way, and this is my first time being in S.A.O," he added.

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