Chapter 10: Challenger

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*October 10th 2024/Floor 74: Calmdet/Mordred's POV*

It's too fuckin early in the morniong to be fighting my way through the dungeon.

"Mordred! What's up bro?" Klien asked me as he and his guild walked into the dungeon.

"Hey Klien, guys, been awhile," I yawned.

"Yeah no kidding, so what are you waiting on?" he asked me.

"Kirito and Asuna," I yanwed.

"Damn dude, did you get any sleep last night?" one of Klien's friends asked me.

"I was up all night helping the little kids on floor one level up. Got most of em to level 15 by early this morning, but they're not allowed to be up here," I explained.

"Should you even be here then man?" Klien asked me.

"I promised Asuna and Kirito I'd be here, so I'm fulfilling my promise. I may be a renegade, but I'm still a knight," I explained.

"I always knew you followed some form of code of honor, for us it's the Busido code," Klien proclaimed.

"I figured as much," I stated.

"What's that mean?" he asked me.

"You're a samurai, dude, and the samurai followed the Bushido code," I explained.

"Oh yeah, I thought you were going to say something obvious like because you're japanese or something like that," he told me.

"Well the samurai do derive from Japan, so it's more or less a redundancy if I said both," I explained before Kirito and Asuna finally arrived.

"Hey guys," Kirito greeted.

"Hey," we greeted back.

"So how was the rabbit?" I asked Asuna.

"Really good, we'll be sure to save you some if we get the chance," she told me.

"Rabbit? What rabbit?" Klien asked her.

"Kirito and Asuna were on a date yesterday," I explained.

"It's not like that, we were just simply hanging out with each other for the day then had dinner," Asuna explained.

"And that is what we call a date Asuna," I grinned.

"Don't make me use my rapier on you," she threatned.

"Calm down lightning flash, no reason to get all upset," I laughed before I noticed a group of players coming this way. "The Aincrad Liberation Force?" I questioned.

"I heard they nearly got wiped out on floor 25," Asuna stated.

"That's because they didn't leave it to the professionals," I told him.

"At ease," their leader stated before his men dropped to the ground in exhaustion. "I'm A.L.F's Lieutenant Colonel Corvats," he stated.

"Klien leader of the Fuurinkazan guild," he greeted.

"Asuna second in command in the Knights of the Blood Oath," she greeted.

"Kirito duo player," he stated.

"Mordred, Renegade Knight," I stated.

"Sure you are," he stated.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked him.

"It means you look nothing like Mordred," he stated.

"It's called an armor upgrade dumbass, why are you jokes even here? This dungeon is treacherous for chumps like you and your men," I stated.

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