Chapter 24: A New Challenger

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Watching Zekkan fight the small imp, I honestly felt bad for the girl. The world just loves to prove me wrong, however, as it turned out the small imp girl was Zekkan and not the salamander. 

"Does anyone else wanna duel?" she asked the crowd. 

"I'll try my hand," I announced stepping out of the crowd. "I've heard a lot about you Zekkan, time to see if you live up to the hype," I smiled unsheathing Clarent. 

"Same to you Mordred," she remarked. "Oh, by the way, do you want to fight on the ground or air?" she asked me. 

"Ground since I'm a Väktare," I requested. 

"Sure thing," she smiled before sending me the duel request. 

Accepting the request, we got into our battle stances before I made the first move. Starting off with my usual combo of attacks, I wanted to see how she handed real aggressive players. Able to at least block or parry my attacks, that was more than other players could say.

"Not bad, Zekkan, you're one of the few who can keep up with my aggressive attacks," I informed her as we locked blades. 

"Thanks, to be honest, your attacks are really wearing me out, I should probably dodge more," she suggested. 

"That's what I'd do in your position," I agreed as I pushed her back. 

Switching up my fighting combo's, just because she was a girl and younger than me, didn't mean I was about to go easy on her. Seeing her get into a different stance, she was playing something. Backing off, I got in my Fury of the Dragons stance. 

"Leig an dràgons sgriosaidh mo naimhdean (Let the dragons destroy my enemies)!" I chanted quietly catching Zekkan off guard making her dive out of the way of my dragons. 

Closing the distance I placed the tip of my sword beneath her chin. 

"Good fight, I give," she admitted defeat with a smile on her face. 

"Not bad kid," I smiled back sheathing my sword. 

"So when did you learn to do your Fury of the Dragons silently?" she asked me. 

"I didn't, I just said it under my breath," I revealed. "It's easy for a player to dodge out of the way when I'm shouting the incantation, but if I say it quietly enough then they have no clue as to when I'll unleash the dragons," I explained. 

"Then you're perfect!" she exclaimed before grabbing hold of me and began to fly off with me in tow. 

"Guys a little help?! I'm being kidnapped!" I shouted. 

*Kirito's POV*

"Should we help him?" Sugu asked me.

"Nah he's got this," I assured her as Zekkan carried Mordred off. "Well, I have a feeling we won't be seeing Mordred for the rest of the day, today," I suggested. 

"A day where Mordred isn't with us?" Klien questioned. "That's gonna be weird since we're used to him being him," he remarked. 

"Yeah, but you got me," Xaxa interjected. 

"That is true, Mordred and Xaxa are too similar," Lisbeth groaned. "And not in a good way," she continued. 

*Mordred's POV*

Landing in the town, she dragged me over to a tavern where a few other individuals were waiting. 

"Mordred, meet my guild the Sleeping Knights," Zekkan introduced me to her guild. 

"Wait, Yuuki, I know you were hoping to get Mordred, but for all, we know this guy could just be a poser," the spriggan girl mentioned. 

"Except he's not. He used the Fury of the Dragons in our duel and only he has that special ability," she argued. "But I guess I should explain to you as to why I brought you here, huh?" she asked me.

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