Chapter 9: New Gear

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Walking up the mountain pass, with Liz following close behind, we came to the snowy part of the mountain. Mid-way up the snowy part I turned around to see Liz shaking.

"You know if you're cold you could've just said something," I told her before throwing her my wool cloak. "That should keep you warm," I smiled.

"How are you not cold?" she asked me.

"I've trained my body to not feel the cold," I told her.

"Why do I get the feeling that was meant to insult me?" she asked me.

"Now why would I do that?" I asked her.

"Uhh Asuna was right, you are a handful," she groaned.

"Well this 'handful' is helping you get some hard to come by material, so unless you want to get it yourself, no complaining," I told her.

"Errrr fine!" she yelled stomping forward.

She's just as easy as Asuna when it comes to getting under her skin.

Making it to the top of the mountain, there weren't any enemies in sight, just that snow troll we ran into on the way up. Treading carefully, a dragon emerged from the pit in the mountain.

"Alright Liz, you let me handle the dragon, so go and hide behind a large crystal, and don't come out for any reason, got it?!" I asked her.

"But I can fight," she argued.

"Do as I say!" I roared.

Seeing her shrink, she hid deep within the crystals. Focusing back on the dragon, I attacked it head-on. Seeing it charge up for a breath attack, I used my energy blade attack to disperse it and use the snow as a smokescreen of sorts.

Cutting one of its arms off its tail whipped me sending me crashing through the pillars. Getting up my armor had been completely destroyed, so now I was fighting in my underwear, well this is awkward.

*Lisbeth's POV*

Seeing Mordred get up, he seemed fine, but then his armor broke, and he was now in his underwear. Oh, sweet Mary, there is a God, and he chose to bestow upon me a sexy man.

"You can do it Mordred!" I shouted before he equipped a medium armor set belonging to the Knights of the Blood Oath, but his was black and blue not white and red.

"You can do it Mordred!" I shouted before he equipped a medium armor set belonging to the Knights of the Blood Oath, but his was black and blue not white and red

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(A/N: Ignore that its Kirito in the armor.)

"I am the knight who stands against the tide. My name carries the power of a thousand blades, I am Mordred," he proclaimed as something began to flow around him. "Bidh an dràgon a 'giùlan ar nàimhdean!" he shouted before dragons were released killing the dragon in front of him.

"That was incredible!" I exclaimed. "Also you got a banging body."

"Thanks, you aren't too bad yourself," he smiled.

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