Chapter 15: Knight takes King

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Making it to Arun by mid afternoon, we walked all around the city. Going up to the gates that would lead up to the world tree, I got a notification.

"What's that?" Yuna asked me.

"I'm gonna find out," I told her before opening. "Congrats you have unlocked the ability Fury of the Dragon Stage II. Stage II includes armor boost called dragon sclaes, and flight with the use of dragon wings, as well as crushing fangs a high power attack spell used with a melee weapon, and dragon whip," I read.

"Hmm Mordred the Renegade Dragon Knight," Yuna stated.

"No just Mordred the Dragon Knight, I was only called a renegade because I gave Kayaba/Heathcliff the bird when it came to my stance in the Knights of the Blood Oath," I told her.

"We can worry about your title later, let's get Asuna," Agil stated.

"Right," we all agreed heading into the dungeon.

Seeing it was just a room with the entrance at the very top enemies began to spawn till we were all surrounded. Splitting off in different directions we tried to force our way to the top, but we lost Kirito and Yuna in the process. Getting their flames we retreated.

"Well that went horribly wrong," I stated after we revived Yuna and Kirito.

"How are we supposed to beat something like that?" Klien asked us.

"I'm not giving up," Kirito stated before flying up the tree trunk.

Going after him he soon hit the barrier. He tried to break through it, but it was futile. Seeing something fall from the sky, I caught it and showed it to Yui.

"It's the MasterCard, and it's from mommy," Yui told us.

"Asuna if you can hear me, know we're almost to you, just hang on a little while longer! We'll free you soon enough!" Kirito yelled as loud as he could, hoping she'd hear him.

"Let's go Kirito, Yui," I told them before we flew back down to the city below.

*Asuna's POV*

"Asuna if you can hear me, know we're almost to you, just hang on a little while longer! We'll free you soon enough!" I heard Kirito shout.

*Mordred's POV*

"Now that we have the master card, I think we can by pass this endless hoard of enemies now," I speculated.

"Alright, we'll clear you and Kirito a path, then once you have your opening haul ass you two, and give that bastard Suguro our regards," Agil told us.

"You got it," Kirito grinned.

Heading back inside, we rushed in as fast as we could. Using my newer abilities to keep the enemies off of me and Kirito, we still got surrounded, until the Sylphs and Cait Sith arrived as back up.

"To victory!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Time to unleash the dragon, Mordred!" Kirito told me.

"Leig an dràgons sgriosaidh mo naimhdean (Let the dragons destroy my enemies)!" I shouted the new incarnation sending the two mighty dragon at the enemy before us.

Clearing us a path, Kirito and I bolted till we reached the door. Everything then turned upside down quite literally and we used the MasterCard to get inside. Noticing it was more like a lab the grand quest was nothing more than a lie. Figures. Going forward doors blocked our every path.

"Stand back guys, I'm about to bust shit up," I grinned. "Leig an dràgon sgriosaidh mo naimhdean!" I shouted destroying the doors in front of us.

Running forward we came to the opening.

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