Chapter 21: Family Issues

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3 months after the G.G.O incident

Location: Floor 36 Boss Room


"Switch!" I yelled before Kirito and I switched out in battling the boss with the rest of the gang.

"Heads up guys, Calamity Shot!" Sinon chanted before the boss was hit with a hail of arrow raining from the sky.

Leaping out of the way, Asuna and Klien finished the boss off.

"Alright, we did it!" Sugu jumped for joy.

"So glad it wasn't Ar-Pharazon," I huffed as I caught my breath.

"Ar-Who?" Sugu and pretty much everyone else except for Kirito, Asuna, and Klien questioned.

"A really hard boss back from our Aincrad days," Kirito explained.

"Oh yeah! Now I remember! You and Mordred took that guy down just the two of you," Klien recalled. "And it took you guys all night and early morning to do it," he added.

"Please don't remind us," I requested. "I feel queasy just thinking back to it," I groaned.

"You'll be fine," Asuna assured me. "But on a side note, new armor stat!" she yelled in my ear.

"Ow! What's wrong with the armor I have on now?" I asked her.

"You've been wearing that set since the A.L.O incident," she argued.

"Yeah she's right," Sugu and Kirito agreed.

"So what if I've had it for that long? It's good armor," I argued. "Plus if it isn't broken, don't fix it," I added.

"I have to agree with Mordred on this one," Sinon advocated for me.

"Thank you, Sinon, at least I have one friend who doesn't like peer pressuring me," I grinned.

"Drama Queen," Lisbeth rolled her eyes.

"And you know I can cut out your shipments of Obsidian steel right?" I asked her.

"Sorry," she apologized.

"What's Obsidian steel?" Sinon questioned.

"A really good material that can only be found in the Jerral Mountains, but since it's guarded by dragons no one but Mordred is crazy enough to make the journey," Yuuna explained. "It was even riskier in S.A.O since we could actually die for real," she added as we left the boss room for the floor 37 safe zone.

"So Mordred has a track record of doing crazy stuff in hindsight right?" Sinon asked the group.

"Yup," everyone confirmed, including me.

"Hey, where's Xaxa by the way?" Silica asked me.

"He told me he was going to see his brother," I told her as we finally reached the town.

"Took you long enough," Xaxa greeted us.

"Hey Xaxa," I greeted.

"Sup, Mordred," he greeted back. "So are you gonna get new gear or what?" he asked me.

"Would everyone just shut up about new gear!" I demanded.

"It's not that big a deal," Lisbeth argued.

"I will drag you out of the safe zone and PK you!" I threatened her.

"Calm down," Sinon hit me upside the head.

"Fine," I groaned before making my way over to the forge and got to making myself new armor.

"So what kind of armor are you making?" Asuna asked me.

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