Chapter 30: New Beginnings

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After getting a tux for Kirito it was now time to plan the Bachelor party. Since it was really just me, Xaxa, Klien, Agil, and Kirito, it'd probably be in Kirito's best interest to keep it simple.

"So what's everyone's suggestion?" Agil asked us.

"Strip club!" Klien and Xaxa suggested.

"The girls would kill us all, if they knew that was the plan," I argued.

"Well what's your suggestion?" Klien asked me.

"One moment," I reuqested before going up stairs and calling my dad. "Hey dad my friend Kirito's getting married in a couple of weeks and we're trying to figure out what to do for a bachelor party any suggestions?" I asked him.

"For mine my friends and I went to a sports bar and had a guys night out really," he told me.

"Sounds good, thanks dad, give grandma and grandpa my love," I requested.

"Will do, Delsin," he told me before hanging up.

"Why not just go to a sports bar and basically have a guys night out? That's what my old man did," I suggested.

"Yeah that sounds a lot better since it wouldn't involve the girls killing us," Kirito agreed.

"Then let's go!" Xaxa proclaimed before we left the café.

Arriving at a sports bar near the beach it went pretty much like any hang out would at the café, minus the girls and a lot more people too. Day turned to night faster that we expected and we all went home. Arriving in my apartment, Masami was there waiting.

"Hey Masami," I greeted.

"Hey Mordred, how'd it go?" she asked me.

"Pretty good, so how did your girls fair with your bachelorette party?" I asked her.

"It was great we went and go our nails done, Yuuki was the most excited, then we went to a really nice restaurant and then we all went home after that really. Sasha also gave Yuuki a small glass of wine, which she didn't like in the slightest," she recalled.

"Yeah I'm not a big fan of fancy wine either. I'm more of a Scottish and American whiskey guy," I admitted.

"Because you're a quarter Scottish and German on your dad's side?" she asked me.

"Yup," I confirmed.

"But what about on your mother's?" she asked me.

"A quarter English and Welsh," I revealed.

"I didn't know that," she admitted.

"Well now you do," I smirked.

"Uh-huh. Let's just get to bed," she told me before pulling me into my room. "And by that I think you know what I mean," she grinned holding up a condom pack.

"Then let's not delay any longer," I smiled before taking my clothes off followed by Masami taking her's off as well.

Spending the entire night in pure ecstasy, by early morning we were finally worn out.

*Asuna's POV*

I can't believe I'm engaged I'm so happy. Falling happily asleep in my bed I counter down the day to when Kirito and I would be married. Waking up to my alarm clock it was 9:30 in the morning and there wasn't a good morning text from Mordred as usual in the group chat.

Taking a hot shower, even when I got out he still hadn't texted. Getting dressed, I went over to Kirito's house where I was happily greeted by Sugu.

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