Chapter 5: Butting Heads

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*Floor 56: Pani/ March 6th 2024*

Walking to the meeting area in the mountain a guards blocked my path so I shoved them out of the way, only to find Asuna and Kirito bickering like an old married couple.

"I told you I'm in charge of this operation so you'll play by my rules whether you like it or not," Asuna told him.

"Sorry, but I'm not cool with sacrificing others for our success," Kirito told her.

"You think they're alive? They're not! And unlike us, they can respawn if they die," Asuan told him clearly talking about the NPC's.

"It seems things are as lively as ever," I stated.

"Mordred, late as usual," Asuan groaned.

"You know I've always played by my own standards, but I agree with Kirito, and another thing, you may be the 2nd in command to the Knights of the Blood Oath, but no one other than your little fuck buddies, have to listen to a word you say," I told her.

"I think you're forgetting your place in all of this murderer! You're lucky to still have your freedom, because let me tell ya something Mordred, we got plenty of evidence to lock you up for the rest of your virtual life," Asuna told me.

"Ohh I'm shaking in my boots. When was the last time you beat me in a duel Asuna? And I'm well aware of the many deaths I've caused, but let's do a head count of all of them shall we? 40 from Laughing Coffin, 15 from Titans Hands, 30 from Kronos' Will, 15 from the Knights of the Blood Oath, and 10 from the Holy Dragon Alliance, and those were the first 10 players I ever killed," I recalled.

"Your point?" Asuna asked me.

"My point is, aside from the members of the Knights of the Blood Oath and Holy Dragon Alliance, I've been killing Player Killers keeping normal players who aren't on the assault team safer from harm, so in reality I'm doing you a favor. Try to show some gratitude," I told her. "And another thing when I killed the 10 members of the Holy Dragon Alliance and the 15 members of your boy scout guild, Asuna, it was in self defense, so pardon me if I kill a handful of green players if it means I get to live another day," I argued.

"I think it's best if we take a break since things seem to be really intensifying," Klien pointed out. "But I can also vogue for Mordred when he killed those green players," he added.

"Thanks Klien," I voiced my appreciation towards him.

"Very well we'll forgive your past transgressions, but I want to hear your idea of a successful boss raid, Mordred," Asuna told him.

"Kirito got the latest schematics of the dungeon?" I asked him.

"Right here," he told me. "So what we're looking at is a first wave of enemies that seem to be low enough for most of us to kill in one or two strikes, but they come in large numbers, so this is clealry meant to tire us out. The real bitch of the liter is going to be the final quater of the dungeon as these are where all the powerful monsters are, that could easily one shot anyone below level 60," Kirito explained.

"So low level monsters to wear us down, then the high level monsters to finish us off? These dungeons are getting more and more treacherous the further we climb," a member of the H.D.A stated.

"Yeah no shit sherlock. Are all members of the H.D.A retards?" I asked.

"Watch it," he growled.

"Right back at you. Look at our level. I'm a level 80 and you're a level 52, do the math...if you can," I grinned.

"That's it! I'm taking you down and claiming that large ass bounty on your head Mordred!" he yelled attacking me.

Side stepping him I decapitated him in a split second killing him instantly. Looking to all the other members of the H.D.A, they were shaking in fear of me.

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