Chapter 6: Conspiracy

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*The next day at the gates of Martin*

"Morning Mordred," XaXa greeted.

"Hello XaXa. Walk with me," I told him before leading him into town. "What can you tell me about the player known as Grimmlock?" I asked him. "Is he a member of your guild?" I asked him.

"Grimmlock? No. Laughing Coffin has never had a Grimmlock in our roster. Don't believe me? Here's our current list of members," he told me sending me the full list. "Why do you ask?" he asked me.

"Supposedly someone died here in town yesterday, and the sword that killed the player was a custom sword made by Grimmlock, here's the schematics," I told him sending him the information.

"Well it's definitely an interesting design, but completely impractical because those thorns would get stuck on the bone if this were real life," he told me.

"Yeah I know, it's why I stick to simple, but effective designs, for my swords," I told him, just as a girl fell onto the ground in front of us, with a dagger similar to Guilty Thorn in her back.

Seeing Kirito jump out of the window he ended crashing through the window of the adjacent building.

"Dumbass," we both said in unison.

Going into the hotel, we went to the room where Kirito jumped out of. Having it answered by Asuna, she was in shock to see me next to Red Eyed XaXa. Noticing Kirito climbing back into the room he had some glass shards stuck in him.

"Nice leap there Kirito," I grinned.

"Shut up, I thought I could make the jump," he told me as he brushed the glass off of him. "What's Red Eyed XaXa doing with you?" he asked me.

"Whoever this Grimmlock person is, Laughing Coffin has never heard of him till now. However the matter concerning the supposed deaths of players in safe zones, it's impossible the game was created with a strict set of rules. In order to actually deactivate the safe zones you'd have to be a programming master, and no one in Laughing Coffin would even make the attempt to do so," he explained.

"But about Yulko?" Asuna asked him.

"My dear Asuna, it's called a dummy or projection, it's the closest skill that one can get to magic. Well I think I've spent enough time doddlinging here, I bid you all farewell," he told us before throwing down a smoke bomb.

"If they are alive, then where would they have likely gone, and if Grimmlock's behind all this where would we even start to look for him. He's one player among thousands," Kirito stated.

"Here's an old photo of him and Griselda," a member of the Holy Dragon Alliance handed out. "I think I'm going to leave now," he added before leaving the room.

"Well that was definitely something else," I stated.

Getting a call from Yuna I answered immediately.

"If you want Yuna back, then come to the floor 1 boss room alone," he told me.

"Sure thing Kibaou, I just hope you've made your peace with god," I told him before hanging up. "Well guys I have to now go kill Kibaou. Not like anyone's gonna miss him anyhow," I added before leaving to go get Yuna back.

*Asuna's POV*

I honestly don't get Mordred at all. At times he can be as cruel as Satan himself, but other times he can be as caring as a saint. What is he even fighting for? Maybe Kirito knows.

"Hey Kirito, has Mordred ever told you why he fights as hard as he does?" I asked him.

"He fights as hard as he does because he wants us all to be happy and live our dreams, as for his dreams, he's already living it. He once told me that all he ever wanted was to be in a video game and actually live there. Well now he is," he told me.

Torn Between Worlds Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora