What Happens Now

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I ran home. I ran and I ran till I made it back. I shifted and ran straight to Calvin, crying as I did so.

"Calvin! Calvin! They have her! They have my little girl," I cried into his arms. The hardest I've ever cried since the day I found Isabella and she almost died.

"Oh my god no. We will get her back Coriana. She is strong, she'll last for us to get troops gathered and supplies," Calvin soothed me, his Delta voice kicking in.

"They have Skylar too. We need to get them both back, Skylar isn't as strong as Isabella," we all knew Isabella was by far the strongest. At the age of nine, she had more broken bones then straight and less blood than anyone should ever have and survive. Skylar just wasn't like that.

"Isabella will protect her. Right now we need to get you healed and everything prepped," Calvin kisses my head and held me tight. I will get my baby back, I will get my baby back...

Isabella POV

"Tell me where you are located in the forest."

"Who are you in the pack."

"Why will you not talk."

All questions I have been asked for the last two days. The Pack Warrior has gotten angry and punched me a few times, leaving nasty dark bruises and a broken nose. Every time he hit me, Skylar would scream and yell at him from the other cell. He wasn't allowed to touch Skylar, she wasn't even held in by chains. I guess he assumed he could take her if she got out. He would ask her the same questions and she'd yell profanities but yet never got touched.

The pack warrior had left. It was probably night time by the way Skylar was asleep and there was only one guard. The first night was quiet, nobody came to bother me. The second night was different though.

The door opened and came through was the Delta and his sister. She was injured and had bandages wrapped around her arms. I assume that she was the wolf I had put my teeth around her throat. Coriana would be ashamed, we both liked her and wished her no harm. If I get close I shall put the goo onto her arms.

"So she is the one who sacrificed herself?" The girl asked the Delta. He growled lowly before making sure not to wake Skylar.

"Yes, she put her teeth on your throat and allowed the others to escaped," I could feel his anger at me, but that wasn't abnormal. I was use to this from packs.

"I thought we weren't suppose to touch either one of them?" The girl gasped out once she saw my bruises on my face.

"Probably Damon. She refuses to talk and that probably angers him," he looked at my face closer and winced slightly. I didn't think it was that bad.

"How do you guys know she can talk? She never screamed or anything," the girl looked over at me before she smiled slightly. She signed to me asking me if I spoke. She knew how to sign.

I smiled slightly and shook my head no, the Delta's jaw dropping slightly.

She went to step forward before she was grabbed by the Delta, "you're not going anywhere near her!"

"And why not? She can't talk back til her hands are included!" She huffed and went into my cell anyway, removing my cuffs.

Before she could say anything, I had ahold of her, unwrapping her bandages. The Delta growled but was stopped once he looked at us in confusion. I still had my bottle of healing goo and was rubbing it softly on her cuts, slowly watching them heal. She looked shocked also at the rapid healing of her cuts and found all were now gone.

"Never kill. Only protect," I signed to her before backing away from her. She was still in shocked when Skylar woke up.

"Why the fuck did you do that?? They caged us like dogs and you help them??" Skylar growls at me, almost jumping.

"Back down. Queen likes her, I saved your ass," I signed to her, growling lowly to Skylar. The Delta growled at me, causing Skylar to look at him and freeze. She stayed that way before falling back and sitting on her bunk. The Delta nor Skylar said another word.

"The Queen? The Queen of Rouges was here? Oh my god she was the other wolf!" The girl looked in shocked as she stared at me. I lowered my gaze as I noticed her staring at my silver eyes.

"Who are you to the Queen? Tell me!" She squealed and shook me. Skylar growled and came up to the bars, "Respect my Princess and let her go."

The girl let go of me quick, shocked as she now stared at me. The Delta now looked a bit shocked but also worried.

"God dammit Damon!" He yelled, slamming his fist on the wall beside him.

"What's wrong Zavier?" She called the Delta.

"Damon fucking bruised the shit out of the Princess! The Queen will be pissed! And likely come after us for having her daughter," Zavier let out a huff of air and groaned before taking the girl by the hand and leaving quickly.

Once they were gone, Skylar started to cry softly. I looked over at her and grabbed her softly through the bars.

"Oh no my Princess. We have a problem. That Delta wolf seems to be my mate," she cried softly. I knew what she meant, they wouldn't let her go, that would weaken them. For us to take her anywhere with us would endanger all children and our pack. So instead, I held her as much as I could, and made sure she knew her Princess was with her.

977 words. Shaking some things up in here.

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