Wilted Flowers

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Axel's POV

"Well at least her wolf likes you," Danielle said as she looked at my very feral looking mate. Even curled up on me like a lapdog, she was imitating.

She was covered in a soft, rusty colored fur that had white and black tones if you looked close enough. Her paws were as big as my hands and her legs were strong and steady, like she could run for days without being tired.

Though the most terrifying would be her eyes. One look and everyone in the room flinched. What wolf has blood red eyes? She could have been doubled in size and she still wouldn't be as intimating being small with her eyes.

I was torn from my thoughts as the wolf started to whine softly and her back legs started to twitch.

"Is she okay?" Danielle asked as she leaned over to look at her , but still keep her distance.

"Yeah, it's just a nightmare," Skylar spoke up. Popcorn was in her hand as she paid no mind to Isabella.

"Nightmares?" I mummer. Why would she have nightmares? Did she do something? Or was something done to her?

"Yeah, nightmares. She had them most nights, especially when she just shifted. Many nights we would wake up to the Queen running after Isabella as her wolf took over and was thrashing around as she slept. I don't know why though, she never mentioned what happened before she came to the camp," Skylar looked at Isabella as a loud whine came from her. Before anyone could register, she shifted back. Her furs were still on, but she was muttering.

"No-umph. Stop, stop," the last word was growled out as her nails lengthened. What is happening? She speaks? What the hell?

In a flash she was awake, her eyes flashing deep red and silver as she breathed heavily. She looked around and saw each one of us before sighing and sitting on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Danielle asked Isabella in a soft tone. I knew what she wanted, she wanted her to use her words and tell her. But that wasn't Isabella. She nodded her head, but kept it down.

"Let's get you to bed," I spoke up, picking Isabella up whenever she made no motion to me. Surprisingly enough, she didn't fight me. She didn't fight when I put her in her bed, nor did she when I tucked her in.

Her eyes were the silver again, no red to be found. Though the color was more grey, a dullness now in them than there was before. She was hard to understand. Even worse since she wouldn't speak or open up.

When I got back, even Skylar was shocked. "She never talked before," she had said. The popcorn was long forgotten at the sudden realization that Isabella just didn't want to speak.

"Do you think her speaking has to do with something from her past?" Danielle asked softly, playing with the blanket that laid on her lap.

Unlike Isabella, Danielle was a soft angel. She had big doe eyes that match her brothers, but with blonde hair unlike his dark shaggy hair. We had always been overprotective when it came to her; she was what we called our angel. She had a softness and light that no one could obtain, yet a fury to match even the most furious demon.

"Probably. I feel like she had spoke to Coriana," Skylar said before her eyes got big.

"Coriana? You mean like Coriana Bigwood?" Zavier questioned. Coriana Bigwood was as we had guessed, a wolf. Some could even call her a rouge. But she was a dangerous one. She was to be an Alpha, an Alpha over two packs.

Her mother wanted a more natural birth and did so in the woods. It messed with her daughter though, making her more feral as a child before she finally fled. Nobody has heard or seen of her. She had a younger brother named Calvin. He also fled with her, not wanting to leave his sister. He was made for packlife unlike her, which would explain why she made a pack: a pack just for him. If they were found, they would be sent back to their pack.

"Uhh... Don't tell Isabella!" Skylar said quickly, "Coriana doesn't want Isabella to know."

"Why?" Flavian asked as Skylar looked more nervous as time went on.

She finally looked me dead in the eyes before she spoke, "Cause Isabella hates Alphas with a deep passion."

Isabella's POV

When I woke, I was in the bed. God, I hate those. I have spent ten years trying to wipe him from my memories, yet he still lays in my most dormant part of my mind. Being with the pack was effecting me more and more. I must leave soon.

This would mark the fifth day that I was at this pack. Coriana would be coming for me within the next two weeks. Though I wasn't sure if my mind could handle two weeks. I wanted to scream and growl and be free. It could not do that here. They wanted me to believe that this could be my home, but it simply wasn't.

Skylar slept in the bed beside me. Her hair was laid out everywhere and she took up the whole bed. She on the other hand, loved being apart of a pack. She loved the wolf packs, she enjoyed being apart of the human lifestyle they lived.

The door opening broke away my thoughts. Zavier peeked through the opening and looked shocked to see me awake. He gave a sheepish smile before creeping in. His steps made it to the bed I was at before he sat down and gazed at Skylar.

"She's just so damn beautiful," he whispered as he gazed at her. "How could someone be so beautiful and so dangerous?" he looked over at me as his eyes shown the admiration he had for his mate.


"What?" Zavier's eyebrows came together at the word I signed to him.

"She likes sunflowers. And roses and lillies but they have to be with the sunflowers. There is a field that you took over that is filled," I signed to him. It was true, Skylar's favorite field was one section that had taken as theirs.

"Really? Perfect, maybe I'll take her on a date out there," he smiled brightly. "And what about you? What flowers do you like?" He was trying to get to know me and I wasn't sure why.

"No. Flowers have beauty for a short period of time. They are the symbol for love follows beauty. And soon, the flowers wilts and die. And nobody wants a wilted flower."

1120 words. So apparently Coriana's life story is NOT the same as the one she gave Isabella. AND Axel knows she can in fact talk, just doesn't. That, and Isabella is trying to help Zavier with Skylar. And who knew wolves need to shift? See ya

What is your favorite flower?

Princess of Rougesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें