Backstories and Tears

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His last sentence cause Axel to roar. The thought of me just sitting in my blood did not sit well with him. It didn't sit well with me either.

I grabbed Axel's arm, calming his beast. I may not plan on staying, but him killing an Alpha will cause him to no longer get his throne. That won't happen cause of me.

Skylar was also fighting to kill the bastard. Though I could not let either one of them do so. For this Alpha, was sobbing in the very seat he was in.

"I am so sorry, so sorry," he whimpered in his sit as he sobbed. He could barely breathe.

"I know I am not fit to be an Alpha. I caused an innocent wolf to be mute and go rouge simply due to my ignorance. If I could go back, I would. I would have reign them in and kept you safe. I can not though. I failed as an Alpha and I failed as a mate," my heart broke a little for this man. Here he sat, apologizing for his crimes. His eyes were a puffy red and you could see his fangs out. A sign that his wolf was also in pain.

I went to move forward to him, but was stopped by Axel. His growl said stay away and my growl said do not stop me. In the end, mine won.

I walked to the Alpha who was now on the floor crying. I bent to my knees and looked him in the eyes. Coriana always said I was a good judge of character. I looked every member in the eyes before they were accepted. And right now, as I looked this man in the face, all I could see was an Alpha trying to be an Alpha while breaking on the inside. A man who was truly sorry for his actions.

I took his palm and laid it flat onto my left hand. I then took my right hand and made a fist before rubbing a circle of my heart and placed my right hand on his open palm and placed my forehead with his. This was a sign that spoke volumes to us rouges. It was a sign of forgiveness and of trust.

Skylar gasped loudly and stared. She knew this and she stopped growling. Axel didn't stop, he was pissed I was near him, let alone touching him. Then Skylar told him and he too stopped.

David knew this. He started crying harder and he apologized more and more.

"I've looked everywhere for you two. I had to apologize. I was wrong, so wrong. You may have not been officially apart of my pack, but you were my pack and I failed to protect you. I miss her, I miss her so much. I don't even know her name, but I miss her so much," he whimpered as he now cried on my shoulder.

"Who is he talking about Princess?" Skylar heard how he never spoke my name and wasn't going to say it.

"The Queen," I signed back. Coriana never spoke of her mate like I never spoke of that time.

"Alpha David," Axel finally spoke. His anger was still strong, but he was containing it, "a room has been set up for you. I have a wolf outside who will lead you to it."

David nodded and left, leaving me with Skylar and Axel.

"Do you wish to explain or will that be too much for today?" Axel asked softly as he touched my shoulder. I grabbed ahold of him and in one swift motion, wrapped into his shoulder and cried.

My emotions were a mess. Yes, I forgave the man. I still felt the pain. I still live the pain at night and I still have the reminders covering my body. He just released all of it that I bottled up for the last ten years.

Axel held me till I calmed myself. I might as well fully explain.

"I do not remember most of my childhood," I signed to them. Axel still held me tightly and played with my hair.

"I do not remember much from before I was six, by then he was Alpha for a year. I don't remember every talking to them, especially a different language. I just knew talking had punishments," I signed. I never talked to anyone. I barely knew English.

"I was told that my parents were an enemy pack and they were killed and I was kept for entertainment. Most just screamed at me, by there was one group that always went farther. They would push or cut me," Axel let out a soft growl and breathed into my hair. I knew he wouldn't like to hear this, but he needed to. So he would know why I would not be a good pack royal.

"When I was nine, they decided that they could amp it up. The day the Queen found me, they wanted me to have sex with a thirteen-year-old so he could say he was a man. I decline and they decided to cut my clothes off instead," the growls Axel gave off were deadly. If David was in here, he would have been dead.

"The Queen came in as they were trying to cut them off, but seemed to cut me more than the clothing. I was thrown in the mud and dragged the whole way to the pack-house and into a room. The room she came into. She saved me," I looked dead into Axel's eyes as I signed the last bit. I wanted him to know how serious I was.

"She rejected the Alpha when he tried to claim her and bribed her with my safety. She said she was the Queen of Rouges and to not mess with her before picking me up and running me back to the camp," I looked at Skylar to see her crying. I knew what she thought; my story was worse than hers so that meant that she had pity. I hated pity.

"I spent the next two weeks unconscious. The Queen's brother stayed by my side and with his medicines I was saved. The rouges protected me where the packs failed. I was finally safe in the most dangerous area while I was almost killed in the safest," Axel had a low growl going the entire time I spoke. He will now know why I could not be his Queen.

"My wolf took the blunt of the damages and that caused her to be feral. Every time I shift, I have a chance of not shifting back."

1113 words. Now the backstory of our Princess is spilled. Of course y'all knew most of what she shared. Though this is not the end of it.

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