His Missing Piece

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We ran till dark. We continued to play into our fantasy of a perfect world that was just us. For once, we weren't at a standstill. We weren't fighting what we were to each other and just enjoying the connection we had.

Axel's white fur gleamed at night, making it easier to see him than in light. So if I was to run, I needed to leave in the dark.

My rustic wolf did not gleam. She did not glow like the angel in the dark like he did. My wolf stalked the dark like a demon of the night. The only piece of my wolf you could see was the rings of fire in my eyes. My wolf was the shadow of darkness compared to his gleaming light of fur.

We ran back to his house after a while. By the time we arrived outside, I had forgotten that I had shifted in excitement and that I had not been wearing my furs, but the human ones they had given me. So I was in for a surprise when I shifted and was faced with bare skin and a growl.

I was thrown to the ground with a growl and met with glowing blue eyes of Axel. He had surprisingly made it where I didn't even feel the impact of the ground. Though he did have me pinned strongly.

"Not a smart move mate," he purred as his eyes fought to hold mine and not shift downward. I was a rouge, bare skin did not bother me. I was to the point that even mates wolves did not growl or tense when their mates shift in front of me. They knew I did not care nor did I hold any interest in that.

Though this did hold my interest. I wasn't the only one bare on the ground as I could feel just how excited he was by seeing his mate undressed for the first time. I wasn't even shifted for a second before I was on the ground, yet it was enough to tease him.

His eyes held mine one more time before they slowly shifted downward, drinking me in like water in the desert. They flickered up to mine, but desire was gone. Only concern was left.

That was why I always wore furs, despite them being so revealing. When I was a child, a wolf tried to carve out my heart and bring it to his Alpha. He wanted to bring the heart of the Princess to his Alpha so he would become Beta. I had yet to shift so my wolf could not help me; Coriana saved me before his knife went into my heart and killed me. Though the reminder was there. The gruesome line that rounded my left breast.

He took pressure off one of my arms and before I knew it, it was tracing the line. His touch was so tender and soft. There was a slight tremble as he traced the large scar. He slowly stared to trace other lines that marked my body. I guess he hardly saw most of them seeing as I spend most time in these human clothes.

He traced the line on my stomach I got when I was pushed through a glass door and it shattered. He traced the stab wound on my side. He ended up tracing probably six or seven scars before his head just laid down on my chest and I could hear slight whimpers.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't there to protect you," he sounded so broken. He was crying. He was crying over my scars that he did not cause.

I started to wiggle out of his grasp and he slightly growled. He didn't want to let me go.

"The ground is cold. If you want to cry and hold me, let's do that in your room and not the forest floor," I signed to him once he finally allowed me to move my arms. I shifted once he was up and darted towards the house. He followed behind me in his own wolf.

I managed to find the house and howled outside the door. I knew that I could fit through it as I was the size of a large timber wolf, but Axel was bigger than a Mackenzie Valley wolf. He had to clear five foot easy while I barely cleared two and a half feet. He was basically doubled my height and I'm sure my weight too.

Danielle came out with clothes for each of us. She threw them outside and closed the door. I shifted and changed as Axel did the same. I couldn't tell his mood and it was nerving me. Usually he was easy to read, now I could not tell if he was still upset or if he was happy. He was a confusing wolf that was for sure.

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