Wolf Shock

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The place Axel took us to was called a mall. Inside this mall was multiple shops in which you exchanged money for items. There was clothing stores, places that had multiple sizes of the same items. None were unique, I could stitch items better than these. Yes, I can stitch. Usually it's only for furs and hides, but I doubt these fabrics were much different.

The mall didn't just carry clothing stores. Some sold small electronic squares that many people in there used. Axel even got me one, like I would use it.

Another section of the mall made my stomach growl. Different smells came from it and that section was called food court.

"How much can you actually eat?" Danielle asked me as I shrugged. Axel told me I could have anything I wanted to eat so I have tried three different types of hamburgers, about five of these taco things that can be soft or crunchy, a "corn dog", and I was currently eating what I found out was a pretzel in one hand and another carried a pizza with multiple meats on it.

"I'm quite surprised, how much food did you get as a rouge?" Danielle was full of questions about rouges. She never really met one before me; she usually stayed with the children.

I went to respond but almost dropped my pizza and pretzel. Axel went to catch them by I still managed to hold onto them. I smiled before handing them to him and responding to her, "Depended on how much the hunters were able to find. Some nights I didn't eat, others there was plenty."

"You didn't eat?" Axel tried to not growl it out but I knew he felt like my health was most important. He still felt like I would stay here.

"How did you survive and hunt if some days you didn't eat?" Danielle asked softly. A shiver went down my spine. While I was with the pack, food was a luxury. If only they knew how much food I had before Coriana.

"I've had worse," was all I said on that. They all knew that meant I wasn't going to open up about it. Even Skylar frowned a bit, wanting to know about my childhood before I came to the camp. My life was different from then and that was all that mattered.

"Well how about we get you girls some clothes that fit?" Axel changed the subject. I wondered if he knew that I didn't need a knight in shining armor. Awkward silence was normal for me. Some would say maybe I like it too much.

"Sounds wonderful! Come on!" Danielle squealed as she grabbed ahold of me, dragging me by my elbow as I shoved food into my mouth. Maybe when I go back I will partake in the human food.

Danielle dragged us into a women's mainly store. Fake women were around the store wearing clothes that hung on a hanger beside it. It was creepy as hell, but who am I to judge human life.

She tried to get me to pick out some items to try on but I just shrugged. I didn't want or need any of these items. They would be mute in a couple of weeks. I had, at max, three weeks to be back at the pack before the rouges attacked. It had already been three days, I barely had two and a half weeks with Skylar before I left her here with her mate. She deserved happiness.

I was told to go sit as Danielle found me some clothes. Axel sat beside me, trying to find out some things about me.

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite food?"


"Uh favorite tree?"

"Apple." He didn't know what to asked me. To him, I was an alien. I knew nothing of his world, but he knew nothing about mine.

"Isabella come here!" Danielle squealed as she shoved me over towards a closet like room and told me to try on these. There was random shirts with different sizes and shorts. I tried on a couple of them, enough to know the "large" tag was my best bet. While she had good style, it was not me. There was pink and frills. Looks like I'm not getting out of this.

I walked out of the fitting room and walked straight over to lower half section. Danielle tried getting my attention, but there is no way I'm wearing this shit. I grabbed "jeans" that had tears throughout them. Can't break what's already broken. Then I grabbed some shorts that were flexible and dark, not the pink shit she gave me.

I walked over to the shirts next. There was some as short as my furs. I grabbed one that was black with rips on it and a dark blue colored one before walking back to the fitting room.

Danielle squealed when she saw me come out of the closet in the jeans and ripped top. Once she realized what I would and wouldn't wear, she started grabbing more items like that.

I wasn't going to stop her, didn't seem like I could if I wanted too. I left with what seemed a full closet of clothes, which I don't know how we got. I really hope Axel didn't pay for all of those.

We stopped at a few other stores; Danielle insisted I would need underwear and these bra things that hold my breast up. I didn't like them much but Danielle said that most women don't but we wear them anyway. Such a weird concept.

We left the mall a while later, the drive back home being appeasing. Flavian opened up more to me and Skylar; making jokes with her and Zavier in the backseat the whole way back.

The boys carried everything inside and put them into the closet Skylar and I shared. The others also got some items while we were there, but most of everything was for us. Flavian even stayed around.

Once I got into my room, I changed back to my furs. I was not comfortable with these clothes and I liked my furs so much better. I doubt they would allow me to wear them often.

I have almost spent two whole days with my mate and his home and while it was not bad to me in any means, it was not home. I miss my trees and the moss that grew like wildfire near the lake.

I also found out that I could not spend so much time as a human like the others. It happened at dinner; my skin got very itchy as I was trying this hamburger steak they called it. I kept itching and itching before I finally stood up and with a growl, my body shifted. It wasn't till then I had noticed I spent almost four days in total human form without shifting.

"Holy Shit!" Danielle squealed as she looked at my wolf. They all stood in shock. Flavian had growled at the suddenness, probably believing that I was going to attack.

I looked up at Axel and even he jumped slightly. Ugh. I guess that's what happens when your eyes are red. There has to be another wolf with red eyes somewhere, I can't always be the freak.

"Guys calm down, she just needed to shift," Skylar said as for she was still sitting down eating, "She has never spent four days in human form before. Her wolf probably forced herself out."

And that was how I spent my night, as my wolf. They brought my dinner down to the floor, well Axel did, my wolf growled at everyone else. My wolf had a bubble that only Axel could come within unless they wanted growled at.

She even curled up in his lap for movie time. That traitor! Axel just laughed and rubbed my head. It did in fact feel nice. Nice enough that I fell asleep.

1328 words. I believe that sixteen chapters deserves to get a little flip side in the next. Hmmm but what to do.

I'm gonna be honest, all these notes and chapters are prewritten so that I don't have to worry about writers block or if I get busy and can't write for a bit, it won't stop me from posting. I also wasn't expecting this much attention on this story, I mostly posted this just so I could say I did. So thanks for all the love, I'm gonna go ahead and post this one way early

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