Finding Nemo?

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  Eventually the boys got tired of asking us about the medicine. I refused to tell and Skylar truly did not know. Though Axel did get upset that someone else also knows. Calvin made it with me, and that will either die with us or be passed to the next doctor.

Though they did pose quite a few questions. Such as what if a child in the pack was sick or deadly injured. Or even what if one of them were. In that, the answer was simple enough, I would make the goo and use it but only make enough to do its job and never give the ingredients to anyone. Though that is if I'm still here.

We had moved on to a movie they had called it. Skylar and Danielle picked the said movie, it was about a fish. More importantly, a talking fish. A male clown fish was the main character, with a smaller female one. By the way they acted, they were mates. They were cute together. But that ended very quickly.

Before you knew it, the female died. A larger fish came and killed her and most of their children. All but this tiny little egg. Personally, that's a very shitty job. If you're gonna kill a family, you get them all, but oh well. It was enough to send Danielle crying a little and Skylar cuddling up closer to Zavier slightly.

The movie goes on to the father to be protective over the son; so much that the son rebels. Now this part has caught my attention. You're able to give too much love?

I looked over towards Axel and he was watching the movie contently, almost as if this was normal. Maybe it was and only I had it off.

The son was caught and taken away, just to be at some place that the guy worked on teeth. Now he tried to find his missing son, with the help of a woman fish who had no clue who she even was. What is even the point of this movie?

Axel's POV

Watching her as she watched the movie was the most interesting thing I had ever seen. Her eyebrow struck up whenever she found out that Nemo survived. Her face said she wasn't impressed that he had survived the attack. Which was odd seeing as even Skylar was saddened by the loss in the first bit. Surprising it was when Marlin had been overprotective when her interest was peaked. I acted like I was watching the movie when she looked at me but in reality, I was watching her most of it.

The more intrigued she got, the more she relaxed. Her muscles weren't stiff and she had actually leaned back onto the couch, her body almost touching mine. Danielle had managed to get her to sit by me, with her pressing Isabella closer to me. Her wild red hair was still muddy and a mess of curls. She had yet to take a shower unlike Skylar. Of course I doubted Isabella has been in a shower before and was use to being muddy. A thought my mother would not like.

My mother sent me out here to take care of this pack and to see if I could truly take care of a pack no matter the conditions. Now the conditions weren't terrible, but most wolves disliked how humid it was and with it being nearly as dry as the desert, being in wolf form was harder. Yet my little mate had proved that wrong. She has lived here with no extra source of water. So where did they get their water?

My thoughts were interrupted by my little mate jumping slightly. They were at the part with the sharks and Dory had got cut by the goggles. Isabella had jumped cause of a loud bang against the metal. She was really getting into this movie. Her eyes shined like gun metal gray against the light from the tv. She truly was made a warrior. With her blood like hair and piercing eyes, she could probably scare even the most dangerous of predators. From what Zavier said, her wolf was even more intimidating. He explained her as a dusty copper with blood eyes. He explained her as a killer. Yet as I watched her smile at Dory's forgetfulness, I could only picture her as a child.

I wish I could have seen her as a child. Was she always like this? Was she caring? Did she speak? Did she play around the woods, picking wild flowers to put into her hair. I wonder what happened to her parents. Did they belong to the rouge pack? Did she even have parents other than the Rouge Queen? Everyone knew that she wasn't her born child, she just appeared one day beside the Queen, causing mayhem.

  Before I knew it, the movie was over, Isabella giggling over the bagged fish floating in the ocean as their plan didn't go as they planned. Her vocal cords worked, she made noises. She just never spoke. I wish I could get her to speak to me. To speak to her mate.

I watched as Zavier held a sleeping Skylar tightly against him, her cuddled into him. She was content to be next to him while Isabella could barely sit next to me. Why did we have to be so different?

"Isabella, since it's so late, would you like me to show you how to run a bath?" I asked softly, looking into those beautiful silver eyes of hers. She looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding.

"Perfect. Then why don't you go with Danielle into my room and pick any shirt you want to wear and she'll get you some shorts too," I smiled as I looked down at what she currently wore. My shirt would look so much better than furs. Though I must say, the fur made her look badass. She looked like a wolf. I kind of hope she doesn't get rid of the furs completely, maybe wear them during runs or something. They fit the wild girl I look at.

The wild girl who enjoyed a talking fish movie. Who enjoyed Finding Nemo.

1037 words. What's your favorite children's movie?

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