Mr. Alpha

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   The rest of the night we weren't disturbed for all but the leak that had water dripping from the concrete ceiling. For the morning we were just brought our food and was left alone. It wasn't till then I noticed how cold this concrete was. About noon was when the Delta and his sister arrived.

  "Okay so I'm going to grab my mate and you will grab the Princess," Zavier said as he unlocked the doors, "The Alpha wants to meet you too."

  The Alpha? Was he going to kill me? Or ship me home without Skylar?

  "Why do you need me?" Skylar asked as she looked at the man she knows as her mate.

  "Well he wants to see his new Delta female. Well once I win you over," he sighed slightly before running his hand in his hair, " I know we didn't start off the greatest but I can already see why I was paired with such an amazing and strong woman."

  Skylar was speechless as he spoke. She looked over at me to see me smile and nod my head for her to go to him. Shakily, she went to the man as he wrapped his hand around hers and smiled. His sister grabbed my arm gingerly before walking me in front of her brother and up the stairs out of the cells.

   Above the cells was a house that had bars on all the windows and locks on the doors. It seemed to be where the interrogated rouges. They walked us out of the little house and into a car. The sunlight hurt my eyes seeing as I've been in the dark for a few days. Skylar winced at the light while I closed my eyes and opened them, no pain being shown.

  "Okay so we are taking you guys to the Alpha's home. We will have to blindfold you simply because we don't know if we can trust you'll not say where it is," the Delta said. Skylar started to laugh. She laughed so hard she was crying.

"What is so funny mate?" Zavier looked over at her curiously.

  "You really didn't think the Princess of Rouges doesn't know her land by heart? For ten years she made this her home and you thought that she won't know where she is at by smell?" Skylar smiled at him and looked away, getting the blindfold herself. I put mine on too even though she was correct. I know what part of the territory we were at. This was once where we placed the bones of the animals we didn't used. The slight smell of the bones still lingered.

  About a ten minute drive and we pull up at where my apple tree grove was suppose to be. She pulled off my blind fold to reveal that the bastard had cut a few of my apple trees to place is house in it. The trees he placed on his border were taken out for his little two story house.

  Skylar also noticed this and came closer to me, in a way to calm me. Once we got out of the car, The Delta smelled around before looking at me and narrowing his eyes.

  "You're the one who taunted us for two weeks. You blend in with the apple trees," he muttered as Skylar once again starts to laugh. I could escape now if I wanted too. Coriana wouldn't be upset that I left Skylar with a caring mate nor hurt this girl to get home. Yet I was drawn to see this Alpha. To meet the bastard who cut down my apple trees for a gloried sleeping area. Stupid human ways.

  Once we entered the house, we were greeted by a woodsy home. He built the house out of trees from the forest though did add other woods for coloring. By the looks of his dining table, a few apple trees went to this house as well. At least he used them, didn't just throw them out.

   They led us upstairs to an office before the Delta knocked. A voice on the other side called for us to come in.

  As soon as the Delta open the door, I was face to face with the Alpha, an intoxicating scent coming from the male. Our eyes locked and a low growl came out of his throat. He barely mutter the word "mate" before his face turned to rage and said, "WHO PUT THEIR HANDS ON MY MATE!"

  The room went dead quiet before you can hear Skylar start to laugh. Now not like slightly laughing but full on laughing like on the floor rolling.

  "You did not just say the Princess of Rouges is your mate. God that is so fucking funny," Skylar was dying till she released how serious he was.

  "Did I look like I was laughing?" He growled lightly at her, causing me to growl directly at him. Shock lit up his face and at that moment I saw what the gossip was about. The man looked about 22 with deep blue eyes and curly brown hair. His face was quite defined yet still had soft features. He was tone and lean, the perfect build for an Alpha. Too bad he was in that fact, an Alpha. An Alpha I would have to leave.

  He looked me over before sighing and lightly taking my hand and touching a bruise on my face. I didn't flinch or even acknowledged that fact he had done so, causing him to frown.

  "Well now this seems to complicate things a bit," he muttered before leading us to sit in his office. " I can't exactly send my Luna off to be the Princess of Rouges."

  Skylar started to growl, "You can't take her away from us. She belongs to the woods, to the trees. Don't you smell her? She is a native to the woods, not to a damn pack," she hissed as the Alpha growled lightly which caused me to hiss at him. No one growls at my members.

  "Well now she can be the Princess of this pack," the Delta said with a shrug. Skylar lit up again at him saying that. She cursed about how I was the Princess of the Rouges and that's how I'll stay. I was no pack wolf and that she knew.

  "Well I'm sorry to burst your little bubble, you don't belong to them either now. You belong to my pack. And she will be my Princess," the Alpha grounded everything out and successfully shut up Skylar. There is no way. No fucking way, how do I go back now?

  "Now my little mate, please tell me your name," he looked at me gingerly and softly. Almost as if I would break. All I did was look back.

  "Uh Alpha. She doesn't speak."

  "What do you mean she doesn't speak?!?!"

1070 words. So yeah that's typical. Whatever though

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