Broken Dolls

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Zavier left soon after, not exactly sure what to say. I had spoken the truth, I did not care for flowers. As I thought about it, I did not know what I truly did enjoy. I only truly lived for my pack and my pack alone. Was that a bad thing?

Being here as made me question my decisions on life. I knew my life was saved to be the Princess of Rouges, but was that it? Was I just saved to make other lives better?

Humans were very selfish people. Their world revolves around money and how much they can gain. Their desires are fueled by what they want and what they can do to get exactly that. They do not risk their life for strangers; not without any gratitude.

"Isabella, come! Breakfast is done!"

And that was how the next couple days had went. I would wake up in the morning to Axel feeding me new and different foods before we would watch a different movie. Sometimes Axel would let me go outside for apples or to just be outside in the trees. Sometimes Danielle would steal me away to doll me up with Skylar. We would have lunch about the same time of day and same went for dinner.

Meals were made in the house where I could see it. Once they ordered pre-made food and I refused to touch it. I did not trust it to not be poisoned.

After dinner inquired a movie or watching them play something called "video game". When I would yawn, Axel would take me upstairs and tuck me into the bed before leaving. I would then get up and go sleep in a tree.

A week had passed before I noticed how long I had actually been there. I knew Coriana would be coming for me soon, that she would attack soon. Though I could not seem to part with this mate of mine. He seemed caring enough and he had yet to raise his voice to me. I had yet seen him interact with his pack or really left the house. Though I feel as if I spoke too soon.

"Skylar, will you help Isabella get some clothes on for an adventure today? I was hoping to show you guys around the packgrounds." Axel was nervous the entire time he spoke, probably thinking we would freak out. Skylar did not though.

"Of course! Come on!" Skylar dragged me back up to our room to get changed.

"I need to leave."

As soon as I signed that to Skylar, she freaked.

"What! Why? You can't leave!" She started to ramble onto why I couldn't. All I could think was why I couldn't stay.

"Skylar. I'm not made for pack life. I'm not made for a life with a mate. I'm made for the rouges," I signed to her. Little did she know how true that was. I was only here for the rouges.

"At least meet his pack. See how pack life truly is," she whined. I could see that she wanted me to stay here with her. That was not something I could do. It seemed as even though I still had a week and a half left, I had overstayed my welcome.

"Fine," I signed before she squealed. I will go around this pack for the day. I will pretend for the day and within the night I will leave. I had to leave.

She dolled me up to look like a human, braid and all. I refused shoes so I could feel the ground under my feet. Axel was happy with the look so I did not complain.

I did not see what he had in mind for this walk. His members stayed away from us as I was deemed dangerous. Wasn't like I was going to be talking with them or anything anyway.

The stroll only showed me what had changed. Houses were placed over old feeding grounds and rabbit trails we had youngsters train on. It was actually quite saddening.

I wasn't impressed either when I saw two young boys picking on a younger girl. She sat on the ground with tears in her eyes and a broken doll in her hands. The boys taunted her and laughed. Something snapped in me when I saw it.

I broke away from Axel in an instant and went over there. A growl tore through me, scaring the boys. They were old enough to know I was a rouge. They scampered towards their Alpha.

The little girl wasn't old enough to sense that I was rouge, just a wolf. She stared up at me in wonder. Shit now what do I do?

I turned to Axel and he was busy scolding the boys for tormenting the girl and giving them chores as punishment. Chores? That was it?

I looked at the girl before sitting on the ground beside her. She had twigs in her curly blonde hair and her green eyes were red from crying.

I picked up the broken doll and slowly popped the joints back in and took a leaf and a nearby vine and put the broken leg back together. It looked like some of the dolls the girls at the rouge camp carried.

Her eyes were wide as she watched me. Her squeal was loud as I handed her back the doll before she got up with a start and jumped in my lap, giving me a hug.

I was floored by this action. Never had any of the children hugged me before. I looked up at Axel for help and he was just watching me with a smile; the boys gone. He motioned for me to return the hug so that was what I did. I wrapped my arms around her like she did me and gently patted her back like Coriana use to do for me after I woke up from my nightmares.

"Thank you lady!" the little girl said as she help the doll tightly.

"Her name is Princess Isabella, Sophie," Axel said as he came up to us. Her jaw dropped before she let out another squeal and hugged me again.

"Oh my goodness I met an actual princess! And she likes me! You like me right?" Sophie was a happy child. Once I nodded, continued to drag me around the pack herself. Axel stayed behind us and followed as I was dragged by such a tiny girl.

Meeting the pack members with the little girl was not nearly as bad as it was with just Axel. Of course she was dragging me to them and talking for me so that helped amuse the members.

It actually wasn't so bad. None were too hostile to me and none showed disgust; mostly just fear. Being a royal rouge that can hide in plain sight does that.

I was actually quite comfortable. I was content with this little girl showing me around. At least, till I smelled him.

1167 words. Oh shit, who is he? Gotta throw some shit in there to make it interesting. Let's make it even more interesting by putting the next chapter NOT her POV. So I am posting this a little early cause I've went without signal for the last two days and I needed to celebrate. See ya!

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