We Were Complicated

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I did not know what happened. I did not know how I knew to make this rouge calm the way he did. Yet, here we are with this rouge with pitch black eyes following my side as my pet.

Axel was not pleased with this. I bet it is simply since it confirmed just how rouge I am. How much of a Royal Rouge I truly was. That even feral wolves bowed to me.

The rest of the walk in the beautiful forest was pleasant with no complications. I had these icicles dancing as I ran my hand through the trees. This place reminded me of that movie with the Queen of cold that didn't like people knowing she was a frost witch. She didn't even tell her sister and that caused a ton of complications. It had a happy ending though at least.

I could feel his eyes following me as I took in the visual of his home forest. I could also feel the pride coming off all of them as Skylar and I looked in wonder. It was much different from our own forest and I could already tell that Apple trees would not grow here. Though I wasn't overly upset about this. I was content with checking his home forest. I so badly wanted to shift and run in my new surroundings, but I knew I couldn't. Now was not the time.

"Are we going straight to the castle?" Skylar asked as she ran her hand over the bark on a tree.

"We are actually going to my home and stay there. Too many wolves are at the castle and we want to slowly introduce to the castle," Axel spoke as he watched me. I wasn't sure if this was to benefit me or meant to hurt my feelings. Either way, I had mix feelings on the moment.

I could not seem to look into his blue eyes for long. They were always staring at me, but I couldn't ever hold his gaze. I guess my old habit of Alphas will never die. Despite me now being higher than an Alpha, I still did not feel like it. I still wanted to look down.

The walk was soon over and we were hurried back into the car before we made it to Axel's home.

It wasn't nearly as grand as I expected. It actually looked like it was made from the woods around it. It was definitely nicer than a log cabin yet wasn't nearly the grand house I expected. You could tell that it was a single length house with a triangular room on top.

Winter flowers were placed under the windows and there was a small rock path that reached out a couple feet out. It was truly a beautiful home. Just wasn't my home.

The inside was a beautiful as it was outside. There was maybe three rooms in the house along with the usual set up of the living room, kitchen, and about two bathrooms.

Everything had a woodsy vibe to it and had a lot of hard work put into it. It felt like one of the homes us rouges would live in when given the chance. It was almost too perfect to be true.

"Now onto sleeping arrangements," Axel start off, "Damon could take the couch in the living room and then there is two rooms along with mine. There is five people that we have to find rooms for."

"How are the beds split up?" Skylar asked. It truly went down to that. I honestly didn't know how this would go down.

"That's the thing. One room has a queen sized bed in there and the other has two twin. So maybe two people at max." Axel looked nervous and I probably knew why. He wanted me to stay in his room. If I did, the rooms would divide most evenly. Skylar stays with Zavier and then Danielle could stay with Flavian.

"I can stay with Axel and you guys can split the rooms," I signed nervously. Axel's face lit up like a forest fire. He was also very quick to lead me to his room that I would be staying in.

It was probably the most beautiful room of them all. It was the triangular room up top. The bed was one of the largest beds I've ever seen and was covered in a soft fur blanket. It looked as rabbit furs, but white. Was there white rabbits?

There was a bathroom there also. It was cream in color with black wood floors. The toilet and such were all white though. It was actually quite nice.

The room also had a closet that only had clothes on one side. Axel said that my things would be added on the other side. It seemed like what people would do if they were in a relationship. Were we in a relationship? We didn't even hold hands or any of that stuff.

Could I be falling for him? Despite knowing that there was no way we could be together? That by tomorrow, I would be rejected by the King and Queen and forced to leave or die.

Yet, I could imagine not seeing his blue eyes staring at me with adoration. To want to play with his curly brown hair or to feel so comfortable. I didn't know how this would ever work between him and I. It never could. We weren't meant for each other. Our lives were too different. I wasn't this human as I have been playing. This was all pretend.

"I know that we seem impossible as mates," Axel spoke. I guess he could see the troubles in my eyes. I looked at him to realize he probably felt the same way.

"I know that I am not nearly as wolf as you want me to be. And you're not nearly as human as I had expected. But we are meant to be. I have never felt this calm or this comfortable before you. I know you are trying to see how my world works and I've yet to see how yours work. So I figured that maybe we could go on a run, just us. Just to see how it is to connect as wolves," Axel was nervous. You could see the anxiety he held as he spoke. Yet he didn't realize how happy it made me.

So happy, I shifted and the spot and yipped before started to run down the stairs. I was followed by a chuckling Axel and before I knew it, we were outside and he shifted.

Holy shit he was huge. I could walk underneath him without even crouching. And with that thought, I did just that.

My little rusty wolf darted underneath his legs and walked perfectly fine. I found it so amusing that I started running little circles around his legs. I knew I was a small wolf, but damn he was large.

I could hear his wolf chuckle as he looked down at me being so childish. This came so easy.

We ran through the woods together. We yipped and played. I had most advantage in our play fight seeing as I didn't have to hold back as much as he did and he also had to try and get me from running underneath.

His pure white fur made it hard to see him sometimes in the white frost scattered across the ground and trees. Though his blue eyes stood out overall and I found him easy.

As a wolf, I could hold his eye. As a wolf, we were mates.

As humans, we were complicated.

1278 words. I'm trying to lengthen these chapters bit by bit. My minimum for now will be 1100 words and I'll try to press on that more and more as we progress.

Should I allow them another chapter of bliss or start the storm?

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