Morning of Surprises

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Axel's POV

Sleep was pointless. Sleep was something so unattainable at this moment that even trying was mute. For my mate was not laying in my bed beside me, but in another room so close to me. I stayed in my room through the night, scared that if I went to her room and she woke up to find me there, that she would run from me and never return.

I stayed in my room till the morning. I waited till the sun was up before coming out of my room to check on my little mate. The thought of Isabella put a smile on my face unlike anyone could ever. That was, till I found her bed was completely made and my clothes on the floor.

"Where is she?" I growled at the waking Skylar as she glared towards me for disturbing her sleep. I could not smell my mate, or even sense her here.

"I don't know? I just bloody woke up!" Skylar hissed out at the light streaming through the open window. Open window?

I ran over to the window and looked out, expecting for my mate to have ran off within the night. Though when I looked out, out on a limb a couple of trees away, slept Isabella in her fur clothing. Her head rested on the closest spot to the tree and the rest of her body laid out on the limb, one of her legs hanging off.

Once I relaxed, I could hear Skylar lightly chuckling. I knew that she was also hoping that Isabella had not ran off, that she would miss her if she was to leave. Though Isabella never spoke, her presence dominated the room with power and kindness. I know she will make a great Queen one day, I just need to get her to be mine.

Isabella slowly started to wake up, sitting up so she balanced on the limb and stretched her arms up. The only glimpse of last night being her fierce red hair still in a tight little braid with a few curls coming out at the edges. Other than that, she looked every bit of the rouge that she is.

Her head finally snapped over to me before she sheepishly smiled over at me. Her silver eyes looked more gray, sleepiness still present in them. She never smiled with her teeth, just her lips being tugged up, yet at this moment she was showing her pearly white teeth. For the most part, they were straight except for the few on her right side. How could she be so beautiful?

"I liked the trees," she signed towards me before standing on the limb before jumping to the tree closest to the window, landing in a crouch, before walking to the end of the limb and finally to the window. On instinct, I grabbed her hand and helped pull her in, the sparks lighting up my hand.

She smiled her thanks before going over to Skylar's bed and sitting beside her.

"You just had to sleep in a tree huh?" Skylar snorted as she rolled her eyes at my little mate. Isabella scrunched her nose and playfully growled. "Hey! I'm not the weirdo wolf who sleeps in trees."

"Well guys," I interrupted their little dispute, "who wants breakfast?"

Isabella's POV

Breakfast was quite delicious. They had given me meat like I was use to, though it was strips as if t was the last bit skinned off a hide. They also gave me some yellow fluffy cloud like thing that they called scrambled eggs. While the eggs were appeasing, I loved how they did the meat. Apparently it was called bacon and I alone ate half of a package of it.

Axel found it amusing how much bacon I would eat and kept handing it to me till I was content. Did I mention that it was Axel who made breakfast? Man did he know how to use a stove. His cooking alone would make being here a little longer enjoyable.

Now that I have thought on it, so far the human life hasn't seemed so bad. I do see why some wolves do enjoy this life compared to that of the wolves. Now I am not going to speak as if I had left this house, but in the one day I have been here I learned so many things that make this life an appeasing one.

"Isabella," Axel started once we had finished the breakfast, "I was wondering if we could go out to a couple of stores and get you some stuff to have. A couple of shirts and shorts."

I looked over at Skylar, who didn't see a problem with it while I saw a million.

"You do realize, while I know nothing of this world, most rogues did? And have jobs and shop at town?" I signed towards him, Skylar watching and spitted out her juice drink.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" Skylar came up and put her hand on my forehead. What?

"You just admitted to not wanting to leave," she whispered to me. I did. I just told him that me going to town would mean a chance of me being taken away. No, I do not want to be forced to leave. I will leave when I'm ready. When I'm ready to part with Skylar. And I feel like she understood what I meant.

"She is right though, we have rogues in every town that is within ten miles. And while I figure you can take a couple of rogues, I doubt the Princess would be too kindly to anyone hurting any rogues," Skylar said as she looked over Zavier and Axel.

"I did not plan on taking her out anywhere near here. A couple hours from here there is a large mall that has all different types of things that she'll need and I'm sure for her to experience," Axel's eyes never left mine and in that moment, I knew he wouldn't let me go easy.

In that moment, I knew that I would have break his heart to where he would never look for me before I left. And in that moment, I didn't know if I could do that.

1045 words. This little princess has a lot of shit to go through before she gets her ending. What will be her ending? Will she manage to return home? Will she change her royal status to one for the pack wolves? When will the rogues attack? Should the next chapter be from Coriana's POV to see how they're doing? It has only been three to four days.

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