Kill a Broken Man

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Axel's POV

She was actually getting along with my pack. With the help of Sophie, she was meeting people and not wanting to growl at them. At least, I thought she was.

I didn't notice a problem till she pushed Sophie behind her and started growling. Not just any growling either, it was deadly.

I have pack members moving out of the way and some even ran in fear. What happened?

She shifted into her wolf form, carefully so she didn't hit Sophie. She got on top of Sophie and laid low enough that whoever she was growling at could no longer see the little girl.

Of course Sophie was scared now; the silent girl is now a growling killing machine above her.

I finally notice what, or whom, she was growling at. An Alpha was standing in front of her with his hands in the air. A trespassing Alpha.

"What are you doing on my lands?" my voice boomed, causing Isabella to growl a little. She wanted to kill this man. I believe that if Sophie was not there that this man would no longer be in one piece. Why did she not send Sophie away? Why hide her?

"I had to see if you truly had the Princess. I need her," his voice was cracking with emotion. Why did he need MY mate?

"And for what purpose do you need my mate?" I growled out my a little harsher. He will not take my mate.

"She is the key to my mate."

Isabella's POV

I want to kill him. I NEED to kill him. The man of my nightmares stood in front of me. His hands were shaky and his demeanor was of a broken man. I will destroy the broken man.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry," he broke down and fell to his knees crying. That caused my growling to stop. Now he was sorry? Now? He should have been sorry while he was there.

I went to lunge, but Axel has already grabbed me. Sophie looked at me before running to safety. Of course I was now a threat. I shouldn't have stayed here so long. He found me. I want him dead.

"Isabella, I need you to shift so we can go talk this out in my office," Axel whispered in my ear softly. No talking. I was never allowed to talk. I'm gonna rip out his tongue so he can't either.

A growl ran through me as I saw him move. Don't fucking move bastard. I will kill him.

"What about Coriana?"

One thought caused all my movements to stop. If I killed this man, she would hurt for the rest of her life. It was not my place to kill this man. It would be hers.

With that, I shifted back. I hid my furs under my human clothes so luckily I was dressed. My anger still poured off me and onto Axel, his hold on me tightened.

"Alpha David, meet me in my office. I will be there in a minute," so his name is David. Even after nine years, I never got to know his name. Fucking prick. Fucking prick I can't kill.

"Is there anything you need to tell me about this man before we go up there?" Axel asked me after David left. He was escorted by Flavian.

"He should be a dead man. Only alive thanks to the Queen," I signed to him. That was all I was going to say about this man. Let him tell this overprotective Alpha what he did.

"Is that all?" Axel was obviously wanting more, but sighed and nodded when I said nothing. He sighed and took me up to his office.

"Now, why are you here?" Axel asked the man as he sat in his chair with me beside him in case I attacked again.

"Did you not tell him?" his question was directed towards me as I shook my head.

"Still not much of a talker huh squirt?" His nickname cause a feral growl to break from me. The first name I was ever called was squirt. Mute mutt being the next.

"I get it. So Prince Axel, I will tell you this story..." my growl stopped him from finishing. I wanted Skylar here and I told Axel that. A few minutes later, she was in there.

"Now continue," Axel spoke.

"Before the Princess was a royal rouge, she was in my pack," the gasp that came from Skylar was audible. I never shown any sign of human life style, even as a child.

"Back when my father was Alpha, he found a tiny child in forest. She was barely four and spoke in another language that no one could understand. He assumed she was just a rouge child and allowed her into the pack. For the next year she would be protected by my father. That year, I was Alpha," his lip was quivering as he recalled this news. They didn't kill my parents? What type of fucking morbid lie is that?

I could not stop the growl that came from me, causing him to pause and wait for Axel to allow him to continue. The sparks from him holding me was probably the only thing saving David.

"I did not care for the Princess very well. I did not care what happened to her, she was a rouge that had no place with my pack. Talking to her was mute and eventually she just stopped completely. My pack treated as I did, some taking it too far," his voice started to quiver. He personally never attacked me, but could have saved me. Something he never did.

"I was out checking on an elder when I got the news that a rouge had trespassed and was in one of the rooms. I raced over just to find.." he trailed slightly, causing Skylar to growl in annoyance. You could see the fire brewing within her.

"I found my mate, standing over her. She had power to scare my men shitless. She had power to even make my wolf bow. Though that wasn't the most eye catching of it all," he paused as he looked over at me, "it was the amount of power coming off of her. Even as she sat in a pool of her own blood."

1058 words. Simply cause Isabella seems to NOT have enough shit going on, let's throw the past into her face. Cause everyone wants to face demons they left in the past.

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