That Easy

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Axel said that the place we were going requires for me to wear human clothes and shoes. I knew what shoes were, Coriana tried her hardest to get me to where them. I just never liked the feeling of them. I preferred to feel the Earth under my feet. Even now, as I'm wearing these shoes, I wish that I wasn't.

Skylar was given jeans and a shirt, most likely what she picked out. Even as a rouge in this humid condition, her furs covered most of her body. Probably due to the reason why she left her old pack.

While she wore jeans, I had on some shorts and an over large shirt that I had the feeling was Axel's. I said nothing about the shirt simply since it would keep pack wolves from smelling the rouge scent I carry. This way I won't be attacked as soon as I saw wolves. Though I doubt anyone would with big oaf here.

We piled into the same van that brought us here, the only difference was now there was another man that was also in the vehicle. He wasn't as built Axel, though I wouldn't call him scrawny. He wasn't a fighting type of guy, more of a paperwork one by his stature. I bet he is the Beta.

"Isabella, this is my Beta. His name is Favian." Bingo, I'm right. I can always tell the rank of pack wolves.

"Axel, what happened to her face?" Favian whispered to him, a low growl coming from Axel.

"Damon," was the only word he said as he ran his finger against my skin. Probably to calm him. While my face has gotten better, it was still bruised. My nose was a little dark and my eye was also, though the busted lip was only now a little swollen. While I'm wolf, it still took time for things to heal. Especially when none of it has been treated. My nose had already started to heal before it was properly set due to my hands being tied up. Had some cream or antibiotics been placed on my lip and eye, it would have been healed yesterday.

Danielle has wanted to put some cream to cover the darkness but whenever she came close, I would growl lowly and she backed off. I carried all bruises without covering them up and I refuse to start now. Though now I had wished I had, with the way this Beta was looking at me. He pitied it.

I lowly growled and he quickly turned away. Axel raised his eyebrow but said nothing. He was learning that I do not open up and that if I don't want to say it, then I won't sign it.

Axel got into the driver side and I was placed in the passenger side. He helped buckle me in before buckling himself in. He turned a nozzle and noise filled the car. I started looking around, looking for the voice.

"Have you never heard music?" Axel questioned as he looked at me. I shook my head, what part of mostly wolf did he not get?

"Well this dial right here allows for music, or what you're hearing now, to play through the car," Axel showed me a couple of things on the "stereo" before saying that I could change the song or anything I wanted. And that was how we spent the two hour trip, him explaining anything on the road or what we passed as I turned the dials on the stereo. It sure was a nice trip.

Skylar's POV

She smiles. She laughs. She can be human. Isabella is proof that rouges are still human. I have always loved Isabella, nobody couldn't just love her presence. Though she never smiled or laughed. She never relaxed and was happy being around us. Coriana or Calvin were the only two who actually got a soft smile from Isabella. Yet this Alpha here, Axel, got her laughing in his passenger seat.

I sat between Zavier and Flavian during the whole trip. Flavian was watching Axel, who I learned was his best friend, with a smile of his own. I could tell he was nervous to be around me and Isabella. The rouge look that Isabella carried didn't help either. Especially with the bruises on her face; she screamed danger. Even in shorts and a long shirt.

I have never liked Betas. They were like Alphas, but more egotistical. Alphas are born while Betas are picked. Being picked as Beta is an ego boost and makes men go crazy with power.

I was a pack warrior; I loved my pack. I was the head warrior for the last two months I was there. Within those two months, a Beta was picked. One that thought his crush on me would bloom cause he was Beta. And when I rejected him, he went for my little sister. She was eighteen years old and he was twenty five. I, myself was only twenty. I tore him to shreds, I left not a single piece of him together. My wolf was out and she wanted blood, his blood. My sister was crying in the corner, her shirt torn and her pants undone. Her blood seeped through the claw marks down her chest.

I did the pack good, he wasn't fit to be Beta. My bloodlust was deemed unfit and I was banished. Simply because the Alpha liked him. I hated leaders, I hated the system.

I didn't even want to be apart of the rouge pack. I wanted to be alone. But that little fourteen year old girl looked at me. Her face was stone, her silver eyes were shining as if her wolf was out. Scars scattered over her little body, yet not one of them mattered. What mattered was her hand held out for me. That day, I promised to protect her.

Yet here she is, protecting me. She didn't know the Delta was my mate, she knew I would've been killed or tortured. Isabella also knew that I could have taken. Yet she didn't allow me too.

Her squeal brought me out of my own mind, her nose scrunching up as Axel retracted his hand from her side. She looked back at me and that's when I knew I couldn't allow her to leave this pack. Her eyes shone like the night she took me in. The same light that went missing in her eyes so many years ago.


What would Coriana do? Oh shit, she doesn't know. She doesn't know that Isabella has a mate!

"Something wrong?" Zavier sensed that I was on edge.

"The Queen, she will come for us," I spoke back to him. A big smile danced on his face, almost as goofy as he was.

"Well I'm glad to know you want to stay," he started causing my cheeks to flush, "But don't worry about her. We'll get it all worked out."

If only it was that easy.

1169 words. I believed that Skylar deserved a POV. Get to know a bit of her backstory.

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