Dinner is Done

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  He was very excited with the tour. He spoke of every room like there was a purpose and a plan he had made before it was even built. His eyes lit up as he spoke, slowly warming my frozen heart. While I was still angered by him cutting down my apple trees, the way he spoke about the coloring and the way he explained it, it was hard to stay mad about it.

   He showed me his kitchen, a large room with cherrywood floors and light birch walls. There was cabinets hanging over oddly colored counters. They were shiny and smooth yet looked like rock. The fridge was also weird, there was buttons on the outside of the door. When I clicked it, it sprayed water all over me like there was a waterfall. No wonder these wolves could move in without needing a pond, these new fridges did it for them.

   The stove was also new and improved. It was still gas, yet there was more buttons and a flat middle piece between the burners. Axel said it was a flat top, which I have no idea what that is but it seemed self explanatory.

The living room was even more complex. The metal box hanging from the wall was what he called a Tv. There was couches surrounding the said tv and had a coffee table in the middle. A very tall lamp sat in the corner next to a chair with a small table beside it.  Why he needed a lamp that stood on the floor versus on the table I would never know. The floor was soft, like moss. Axel called it carpet, though he did give me funny looks as I asked him to explain these things to him. I guess in human culture, it is simple. The things I never knew.

  He also showed me his room. Now I don't know why he did, it was obvious I wasn't staying in there. Though it was almost like he wanted me to confirm I did like his room and one day might move into it. That was wishful thinking.

There was a mahogany dresser frame on the wall. Once you opened it up, a walk in closet was seen. Only half of the closet was filled with his clothes, the other half was empty. I wonder why he only uses half. Anyway, his room wasn't bad.

The walls were forest green with a black wood trim. The floor was also this black carpet stuff. There was a desk and a bed also in there. A door that led to a bathroom. For some reason there was two sinks in there, one completely clean while the other held different male supplies including a razor and a toothbrush. I enjoyed the towels, they were soft. I could compare them to my rabbit fur and was about the same. Different soaps lined the 'shower'. I enjoyed turning on the shower, it was like a waterfall inside.

  The end of the tour ended at where my room would be. The walls were cream color and the floor a light wood. Two small beds were in there, both with the same coverings. A door also led to a bathroom, not nearly as fancy as his was, but still nice. The shower had a cupped piece on the bottom you had to step into and had two spouts. The closet was completely empty; probably stay that way also. I will wash my furs with me seeing as I only brought the one and I doubt Axel would allow me to go hunt some more down. I wonder if he has any spare hides, though judging by his human clothes, he probably doesn't. I wonder how long I will last here. I wasn't made for the human world.

Skylar showed up with Zavier a sort time later, a couple suitcases with them. Skylar's face held a blush on her cheeks, a sign she was enjoying his company. I could soon leave knowing that she was truly happy with him.

  Danielle also showed up, something called 'shopping' is what she wanted to do. Skylar liked the idea, Axel not so much.

  "Look at what she is wearing Axel! Fur! She needs actual clothes," she argued with him. I didn't see anything wrong with my furs, they did exactly what they needed. The work I put into them also was something most humans never did.

  "She just got here though! Tonight she can borrow one of my shirts and a pair of your shorts and maybe tomorrow we will take her. It's so much for today," Axel was a little angered though I could feel it was more as annoyed. I touched his arm and he calmed down, looking at me slightly shocked.

  I didn't show any emotion or anything, just touched him enough to calm before releasing him from my touch. I knew how mates worked, I just didn't need one. I was fine by myself.

   "I do not know what this shopping is, but I do like my furs. These are my clothes, like these human clothes are yours," I signed to them before just standing there.

  Danielle sighed before giving up, speaking about food. I wonder what they consider food. I doubt it will consider wild game caught with fire roasted vegetables.

   For a few hours we watched the tv. People on the screen displayed a story; some more interesting than others. What intrigued me was the settings for most of these plots. There was building that weren't homes, they had items that people took and exchange for money. Many were like the human clothes Danielle or Axel wore, others had items that were cooked and consumed. Some even just filled with sparkly items women would wear on their necks and ears.

I found out that the said tv was for watching only. I had thought it would take me to these places but found that it did not. Axel and Zavier had a good laugh about it, though Skylar didn't. She growled lowly at the slight insult.

I am glad she is here with me. While leaving here would be easier alone, I do not know how I would work here. She is now my voice while I'm here and it seems Axel is noticing that. Once she growled, he went to growl back but stopped halfway and apologized to me and explained the tv to me.

I feel almost like a child here. I'm learning these new things that never seemed important yet they make them feel like they are.

Danielle has been in the kitchen while we had been watching whatever is playing on the tv. She is doing something in the kitchen room and it smells delicious. Though I don't know what it is exactly I'm smelling.

  "Dinner is done!"

1125 words.

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