Dress Codes

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He soon released me and allowed me to get out. Though he did put me in human clothes to sleep in for the night. I was still nervous in sleeping in the bed seeing as I never actually slept in one except for once. Though with the weather being so cold, I doubt I would make it sleeping in the trees. Too bad my wolf could not climb trees, that would be awesome. Then I could sleep in the trees and still be warm.

Axel sat me down on the bed and began to brush my hair. He was as tender as he usually was, the softness that I always saw. I wonder if he ever roared or growled at his pack members. If he has ever killed anyone. Anyone other than a rouge.

"I can feel the gears going on in your head. What are you thinking about?" Axel's voice tore me from my thoughts. What is a gear? I don't even know how to begin to explain that. I just looked over my shoulder at him confused.

"Feel that what?" I finally managed to sign. Such a stupid word. Such a stupid phrase. Now he was smiling at me stupidly due to my limited knowledge.

"My bad Princess. It's an expression to say I can see you're thinking hard. A gear is used in mechanical objects such as cars and clocks," he explained to me. He should be a teacher. The way he explains things make me not feel stupid, but educated.

The thought I could lose this tomorrow scared me. I know it shouldn't, I wasn't meant to be here anyway. I should have escaped before I even boarded that plane. There was a chance I could be executed tomorrow, yet I was sitting on his bed as he brushed my hair.

"There is something I believe I should mention to you," he whispered softly from behind me. "David will be there tomorrow at the castle. I will make sure you are nowhere near him when he shows, but I want you to know he is there."

"You do not have to hide him from me," I turned and signed to him. I get that my past is hard for Axel to accept. I also get that as Queen I deal with agendas I don't wish to be apart of. I have watched Coriana take place in many events she didn't want to be apart of and smiled through it.

I miss her so much. She was my loving mother, my teacher. She taught me to sign and how to be strong. How to be a wonderful and fair queen. Just the thought of Coriana made me want to run from here and back home.

"What happens if the Queen and King does not accept who I am?" I was nervous. Would he actually take me home or allow them to kill me?

"They have to accept you," his voice was deeper than normal. Almost animalistic. "If they do not accept you, then they won't have a heir for the throne."

I couldn't continue looking at him, I had to turn away from him. Was he really that serious about me? That he would give up everything? He is to be King, he can't just walk away.

"How many times do I have to explain to you just how much you mean to me?" He turned me to face him. His wolf was on edge in his ocean blue eyes. His hair was now sticking up like he just ran his hand through it.

I gulped as I watched his chest move up and down harshly. I could tell Axel was getting annoyed with me. I just don't get why he wants me so badly. So badly he would give up everything.

"I get that you would choose being Princess of the Rouges over me. I get that to you, mates are nothing but someone there for you and you already have that. I have listen to Skylar talk over and over about how involved you are with your pack and how much you probably miss them right now. But I need you to get that I will follow you for the end of time if that means one day I can kiss your lips and you not be frightened. I need you to get that being King without you by my side is nothing. That without you, this world is nothing," he was shaking my shoulder lightly by the time he was done. I could also feel the tears softly coming down my cheeks. Tears that I couldn't stop.

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