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The next two days went by quickly. Flavian took it upon himself to teach me "manners". Apparently growling randomly and eating with my hands weren't proper. They were proper to me.

He took an hour and a half of my day at least to teach me how to sit properly in a chair and also taught me the "utensils" which were to be used at the table. He also carried a fucking water bottle to spray me when I growled. That happened once and it took Axel holding me back from not tearing him apart. Even though I was held back, I still managed to scratch deeply in his arm and I guess growling in his face with blood red eyes scared him good. He never did it again.

I may not attack every moment like a rouge, I'm still more connected to my wolf than them and that made my aggression closer to the surface. I was basically a "time bomb" as they called me. It was not my fault that I was raised to hold my ground.

My manners were not the only thing updated. My "wardrobe" was also. I was given dresses and these "heels" that I had to learn to walk in. It wasn't too hard, being flexible was a trick I always had so it was only a matter of minutes before I could. Did not mean they were comfortable. I hated them with a passion and was not happy to be wearing them at all. No matter how pretty many of them could be.

His parents better be worth all this. I was still tempted in running back to my home and hiding forever. Being a Royal Wolf was a scary thought. Unlike us, they had so many rules for the Royals to follow. They had a way that everything was taken into consideration. They had voting days and a board of wolves that they had to discuss with on everything. We just did what we thought was best for our pack.

Which brings up the question, what is going on with my pack?

Coriana's POV

They still have my baby. She stays in the Alpha's so called home. She stays in the middle of her fucking apple grove that he tore down for his precious house. I wanted to tear him down. Piece by piece if that's what took to get my baby back.

I watched the house for many days. If I was not taking care of the pack, I was watching the house. She has yet to leave the house. My poor Isabella was caged in the house like a house dog. She is a damn rouge, she didn't stay in houses. She sleeps in the trees and digs her feet in the ground. I'll make them pay for taking her.

"Queen!! I have news on the Princess!" Tala, my new upperhand, reported as she ran up to me. Tala was a good warrior and was very cut throat on her work. Skylar was always a tad better than her, but with both Skylar and Isabella taken, Tala will do just fine. Tala will have to do.

"What is it?" I was anxious for my baby. I knew that the day she was moved to the Alpha's home that her face was blackened and that she was hurt. The thought of my baby tortured broke my heart. I hated how she had to go through that pain again cause of pack wolves.

"They're all loading up onto a plane as we speak. Isabella and Skylar were both with the Alpha, Beta, Delta, and the Pack Warrior. Both girls were in human clothes."

How dare they put my girl in human clothes. She spent so much time on her furs. Stripping her of her dignity by taking her furs made my skin crawl.

While I was not doing good, Calvin was even worse. He threw himself into his duties and healing as many wolves as he could to fight to get our baby back. She was my daughter, but she was a little sister to him.

I wasn't the only one who needed her back. We all did.

Isabella's POV

The day was going great. Flavian was making jokes and Axel was sitting next to me as he ran his fingers threw my curl as I ate "pizza rolls". It was great. Then he showed up.

"What the hell is she doing here?" The Pack Warrior yelled as he arrived to the home. That was the last words he said before he was yelling. I went for his throat, luckily for him, Axel grabbed me as my claws barely scrapped him.

He was breathing heavily as I was growling loudly one after the other. The table was shaking from the strength of my growls and the once mighty warrior looked like he wanted to piss himself. Why? Maybe it was the pissed off Royal holding the red eyed Royal trying to kill him.

"Isabella, I need you to calm down so I can handle this. I know you want to hurt him, but that will not change anything he did," Axel's voice was calm and collected. Though it was also deadly low and in that, I called to see what this Alpha was going to do.

"Damon," Axel barked once I calmed. 'Damon' stood up and took a breath. He could tell he was in trouble. He is lucky that I'm not the one in charge of him. Rouges didn't allow insubordination.

"Explain to me why I strictly said that no harm was to come to the two wolves in the chambers, yet when I request to see them, the PRINCESS of ROUGES is covered in bruises," he growled out my title and I'm gonna be honest, it was kind of hot. I know he wasn't accepting of my title, but that's how it came out. It sounded almost proud of the title.

"Uh" the warrior's mouth was dry. He couldn't understand why his Alpha was still holding onto me and he also just found out how important this wolf was.

"She wouldn't answer any questions Alpha. I assumed if I roughed her up like the rouges do she would answer." His answer riled me up again in a fit of growls. We did NOT abuse our members. We treated everyone with care. We were not just animals.

"Then care to explain to me, why my mute MATE enters my office covered in bruises and yet here you are, not even a single scratch on your body! Obviously she didn't even attempt to attack back. You know the rules," Axel was fuming and it was hot. He acted so human all the time that seeing his wolf come out was rare. But in this moment, I could see why he was Alpha.

"Mute mate?" was the hushed whisper the warrior muttered before looking at me being held in his Alpha's arms. Yeah he was screwed.

"My office. Now." Was all that was growled out. The warrior bowed his head and quietly walked into the other room.

Axel looked down at me and I could tell he didn't want to leave me, but felt as though I didn't belong in the conversation. I didn't believe I should be either. Rule of Alpha, don't deal with personal agenda as one.

I simply just smiled at him and grabbed his face and moved his head till his forehead was aligned with mine and let out a soft growl. This was a sign of content as wolves. By the way Axel smiled and mimicked me meant that he understood before he got up and left me to enjoy my food.

"You're such a rouge," Flavian smirked over at me.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Skylar almost snarled. With the way Flavian feels towards rouges, I could see why she would take some offense. I didn't see a reason in his face too.

"Cause through the days we've spent here, the first time she shows contentment is when he's in Alpha mode."

Caught redhanded.

1347 words. You guys don't understand how badly I wanted to cut this short after Coriana's POV, but I just couldn't do that. It was only like 500 words and when I published this, I would've been publishing the next right after and then the point would've been mute anyway.

So we finally got the Pack Warrior in the picture. Felt that at some point he should get in trouble for his actions.

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