Tamed Feral Rouge

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Axel and "Damon" were in the office for maybe ten minutes max before they were out. The warrior had no marks on him what do ever. Was he not punished?

Maybe you have them wrong too.

I have been fighting with myself a lot lately. I felt as if I was two different people fighting for two different futures. I knew I had to go back to my rouges; that the Queen and King would never allow my pack to join with theirs.

What if it could actually come true? How could I become a pack wolf? I wasn't made for this. I wanted to break down, yet I had no idea how to do that. I was anxious.  That did not stop me from boarding that plane along side Skylar and the pack wolves.

"Who is left in charge if we ALL are going?" Skylar had been asking a million questions since we piled into the car to the airport and it did not stop simply cause we were on a plane.

"I had picked someone I believed would be a good Alpha for the pack once I take reign and I'm having him and whom he choose for Beta watched over it with a check up every six hours," Axel has answered almost every question with ease and logic. He was a good Alpha.

"Why are we on a private plane?" Skylar did not like people as much as me, but she still had to question everything.

"Cause rouges don't like crowds," Damon grumbled which caused me to growl. He flinched slightly and stayed quiet. I wasn't sure if it was something Axel said to him or me attacking him that caused him to flinch so hard, but I did my enjoy it. I do not rule on fear.

"While Damon could have said it better, it was due to you guys not being able to hang such crowds and noises that normal planes are filled with. Plus, Isabella could wear her furs without humans staring at her," Axel mumbled the last part in attempts to not be heard, but we all caught it.

The first part of the flight was smooth other than me almost killing Axel's hand. I had never been off the ground and I was not prepared for it. He didn't say anything, just smiled and dealt with it.

The fact I've never seen him lose his temper nerved me. He could not always be this held in. He had to growl and allow his wolf out. I've yet to even see him shift. How long could he even go without shifting?

Axel's POV

She was so beautiful. I wonder if she even knew how much grace she carried. Even as she squeezed my hand, when her eyes met mine, everything was okay.

She calmed my wolf, she soothes my soul. I knew she wondered why I barely shown my wolf. I could see the curiosity that filled her face when I dealt with Damon.

I know mates are suppose to bring out your wolf to mark and mate them, but she seemed to just soothe my wolf and he hid away as my little mate got comfortable with me. I could feel that him hiding back was not good for either of us. She needed to see the wolf of me to connect with me like I needed to pull at the human of her. 

I was getting her to act more human, but it was very slow progress. She knew enough to meet my parents and not make bad first impression, but that was it. Though I couldn't be upset on her not accepting my world easily as I had yet even attempted to get in her element.

The thought plagued my mind for most of the plane flight. How could I go out to the forest when I knew rouges roamed everywhere, planning on taking her from me. I couldn't let them just STEAL her.

If she decided to leave, I would have to accept that. She is trying and if she could not conform then I couldn't make her hate herself. She was wild, I knew that when I accepted her.

She was a wild card and she lived up to that when she moved from my side to be next to Damon. I did not yell or scream at him. I simply told him that if he could not follow protocol then I will remove him from his position and find someone who could. And if he was to lay a hand on my mate again, I would ban him from this pack and he better hope to God her pack would accept him.

Isabella looked him dead in the face and growled softly. Was she trying to get attacked? He didn't respond so she growled at him again, but louder. She was pushing on his rank and he eventually broke.

Damon let out a soft growl and his eyes flashed to his wolf. This caused Isabella to smile before she flashed hers and growled softly back.

I could never guess what Isabella was doing, but Skylar's face spoke that it was a rouge thing and that she was not causing a fight. Was she connecting their wolves?

"My Queen," Damon mumbled softly with a smile before she got up and returned to the seat beside me. To say the plane was shocked was an understatement.

"She makes a good Queen," Damon's voice spoke through our mind link, "She will make a great Queen by your side."

The rest of the flight was uneventful. Isabella actually fell asleep for part of it. She actually ended up in my arms before she woke up and moved back into her seat. I whined internally and wanted nothing more than to have her back in my arms. But I could not continue to push harder than she was willing.

I could feel myself slowly losing her. She never showed me any affection or even signs that she even remotely liked me. Was it cause I was a pack wolf? A Royal? Was it cause I was not nearly as connected to my wolf as she was to hers?

My wolf and I did not always see eye to eye, but it did not make me any less connected to him. He was dying to shift and run with his mate, his Queen. Though the only real thing stopping him was his size. He was abnormally large for even a royal wolf and she was a small wolf. Despite his mate being a tough as nails, he didn't want to intimidate her and cause her to size him up.

While he thought of her wolf, I couldn't stop thinking of her voice. She has spoke once in her sleep and I couldn't help but wish she would speak more. Even as her voice was so frightened, it was so smooth and like honey. I wanted to hear more of it. To hear her speak her mind and to know her thoughts. I wanted all of her, but was content with what I could get now.

The plane landed soon enough. We were finally back into the frozen life I called home for so long. It was very different from the life Isabella once knew and I noticed immediately that the short furs that she wore would cause her to freeze. The walk to car was a quick one, but it was still a cold one.

Though She walked almost contently through the frozen terrain. Even I could feel the cold and it seemed to take almost an hour for her to feel it in the car. I noticed that she started to shiver and I quickly took off my jacket and placed it around her small frame. I never noticed how thin and frail she was till she was in my clothes.

Her size was not what I noticed most; it was the look of surprise in her eyes. Never once has anyone taken care of her in the way I wish too. I want her to never go a day without all her wants and needs met. I want her to show her wild side and show her grace she adorned well. I wanted all of her.

"Can we walk through the woods for a bit?" Isabella signed to me. I could tell that she missed the trees and the plane did not help. So I had the car pull over and we all piled out to walk in the cold terrain.

The look of wonder on her face caused much pride to swell. She loved the look of my home and that was enough for me. She loved the frost look of the trees and was having fun lightly running through the trees. Then we heard growling.

A rouge had ran out in front of us and starting snarling. This was not a rouge like Isabella, but a feral one. One that could not be reasoned with.

"What do we do?" Flavian asked through the link, "The girls wouldn't allow us to do anything."

Isabella's eyes started burning bright red as an intimating growl erupted from her. She held eye contact with the feral beast and never broke it. The rouge was not backing down either. Their teeth snapped over and over till Isabella started walking toward the creature.

She walked confidently as she growled. She got close before slowly bringing herself down as she continued to growl. The wolf started to whine and whine before it slowly just laid down in front of Isabella. And in that moment, I saw a tamed feral rouge.

1614 words. Can you guess where his home is?

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