Voting time lads! (Closed)

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Alright, as promised I am releasing the voting section. So, I wish all waifus the best of luck! (Except for Zofia, Clash, Finka and Ying) Leave your votes in the comments for which pairing you want for Ghost and I shall start creating it based on the majority vote. If it turns out we have a tie I will have a re-vote for the ones that tied and work from there. Voting will be open for 1 week (Minimum) but this could change if there is a tie and we need another week for a re-vote. That being said, get voting!

I also would like to see what you think Ghost's best Bromance is. So far my main ones are either Ghost and Echo or Ghost and Thermite. But, who cares on my opinion? I want to know yours!

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