Chapter 3

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Zeke's parties are notorious for games kicking off, especially those that involve heavy drinking and removing clothes. I try to keep that in mind as I get dressed, taking care to add an additional layer. When I arrive at Zeke's it is clear I am the last one to arrive, and also most likely the only sober one here.

Zeke hands me a beer and drapes an arm around my shoulder as he leads me into the kitchen but quickly drops it, remembering my dislike of physical contact.

I instantly take notice to Tris who is standing around talking to Christina and Will. I inhale sharply when I see Uriah come up behind her, placing his hands on her waist and pulling her against his chest. I give Zeke a panicked look before turning my back so I don't have to watch anymore.

"Four, relax. I have a plan to get Uriah and Marlene together tonight. But it's going to take a little participation on your behalf as well." I give him a confused look. "It means you're going to have to actually play Candor or Dauntless versus just stripping off the nineteen layers I know you're wearing." He shoots me a grin, he knows me well.

"You can't dare me to kiss her or anything like that." I'll be damned if my first kiss is from a dare, even if it is with Tris.

"My plans for you are more Candor in mind." He clears his throat before beckoning everyone to come to the living room.

I wait by the kitchen door so I can talk to Tris as she walks by. "I suppose no one told you what happens at these parties?" I ask her, grabbing her attention. She stops and looks at me puzzled.

"No, not exactly." Giving me a questioning look.

I smile. "Put this on, you may need it later." I unzip my sweat shirt and hand it to her.

She hesitates before taking it, I imagine she is still nervous about earlier. "Thanks." I nod at her and lead her into the living room.

We all take a seat; Lauren is sitting next to me talking about training and simulations. I can only half listen; I am too busy focusing on Tris. She is whispering something to Christina who has glanced at me multiple times now, smirking.

Zeke demands everyone's attention. "Alright, the game is Candor or Dauntless. For those of you that don't know how to play; it's truth or dare. If you choose to pass, you take off an article of clothing." Tris looks over at me and then looks down at my sweatshirt she is now wearing and smiles.

Zeke starts out. House rules of course. "Tris" he calls. "Candor or Dauntless" I shoot him a death glare, he is certainly up to no good. She looks nervous before choosing Candor. Smart girl.

Zeke shoots me a wicked grin. "Do you currently like anyone right now? Romantically that is?"

I watch her every move. Her bottom lip being worn out by her teeth, her wringing her hands, and the light bounce of her knee. She is nervous, and that means her answer is yes, and he is here.

"Yes." She answers quietly, her face a tad shy.

"Well who is it?" Christina squeals.

"That wasn't the question now was it?" Tris says matter of factly. Her witty response causes my lips to turn upwards slightly.

It's her turn now. She glances around the room, "Uriah" she says and smiles. I feel a jealous ping in my stomach at the way she smiles at him. Uriah stands up and declares Dauntless before she can even ask.

"Erm, I dare you to get a tattoo of anything your brother chooses and wherever he chooses to put it." Uriah's face falls serious as Zeke lights up like a child. Uriah and Zeke are shoving each other and bantering back and forth as they leave they apartment to go to the tattoo shop. I am sure Tori will appreciate the humor this evening.

Divergence: Choicesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن