Chapter 37

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Zeke and I walk through the quite corridors, Dauntless is all still sleeping, giving us the opportunity to move about less noticed. He quickly takes notice that I can't suppress the half grin I've been wearing since we met, since my kiss with Tris.

"I take it you and Tris have made up?" He says sarcastically.

"What makes you say that?"

"She's the only person that makes you less of a miserable bastard."

I can't help but let off a deep laugh, knowing he is some what correct. "We're in a better place, but it will take time."

"If I would have known before. You know I wouldn't have pulled you off of him, I would have helped. If someone did that to Shauna.... well let's just say I'd burn Dauntless to the ground if I had to.

"I'm not finished with him, his days on this earth are numbered. Just don't tell Tris, she is more forgiving than I am."

He nods, a silent bond between men.

We work in a synchronized harmony, retrieving several weapons from the training rack, taking a moment to fire several rounds to lessen the suspicion. It also gives me an opportunity to get the feel of shooting with a cast on. It is not unusual for members to take weapons, we are Dauntless after all. We don't need the weapons really, just the ammunition, but in the event someone is watching they will see us take the weapons and return them later.

"You think this will work?" Zeke ask as we walk back to his apartment. I can't help but notice the nervous tone he has.

"We have to make sure it does, no matter the cost." I don't have to elaborate. We all knew when we started this, that we were willing to die to finish it.

We spend the next two hours emptying shell after shell to collect the needed gun powered. Uriah divides it up into piles of eight, careful not to add too much. We don't want a large enough explosion to damage anything else.

Zeke leaves for his shift in the control room where he will be able to obtain the rest of the supplies we need. "How long will it take you to make these?" I ask Uriah, trying to get an idea of our time restrains.

"About an hour each, and then we have to program them to the detonator."

We don't have that kind of time, there has to be a way to improvise. "What if we just added the explosive to something that was already wired to a remote?"

"Then I would just need a couple hours." We both sit racking our minds about what we could use.

"Camera controls. We have tons of spare, they're used to rotate the camera but I am sure we could re-wire them." I say, hoping we can make it work.

Uriah leaves for the control room to meet with Zeke and test out our theory, while I return the weapons back to the training room. The sun has finally risen when I make it back to my apartment.

I smile as I pull the blanket up over me, keeping my distance from Tris but still embracing the warmth that radiates from her. She rolls over to face me bringing her hands to rest on the pillow, revealing the promise strung to her wrist. I fight the urge to reach out and touch it, proving to myself it's real. "Did you finish what we needed too?" She ask me sleepily.

"Not completely, we are meeting again in an hour." She nods and closes her eyes again. I turn on my back, thinking that even an hour of sleep would be enough, so I close my eyes and start to drift. I am startled awake by the slight touch of Tris' lips to mine.

I watch her carefully, her head hovered right above mine. "That was a nice way to wake up." I tell her gently. My words are lost when she presses her lips back to mine, this time more forceful. I stay still, keeping my hands at my side letting her have complete control. At first this kiss is just pressure, our lips closed offering small pecks resembling our first kiss. It's when she turns her head and parts her lips pulling my bottom lip into her mouth that I lose it.

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