Chapter 35

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WARNING: This chapter is graphic and violent with themes of sexual assault.


I awake to the movement of the bed, I quietly observe his shirtless body stand, stretching before kicking his boxers off, becoming fully nude. I feel guilty, like I am invading a private moment as I gaze at him, but I cant look away, he is stunning. When did this happen? When did I become comfortable enough to be able to enjoy these types of moments.

I wait until he dresses, drinking his figure in before making my presence be known. "Why are you up? We don't have training for another two hours."

"Max wanted to see me before we started. Sorry I forgot to mention it with everything else that was going on last night."

I sigh in disappointment before nodding, feeling his absence in bed. I smile as his lips brush my forehead, a feeling that is committed to memory now.

"Go back to sleep, I'll see you at breakfast." He tells me before walking out. I close my eyes, trying to will myself back into sleep knowing the long day ahead. I pop up to the sound of the door handle jiggling. I roll my eyes, Tobias must of forgotten his keys. So much for going back to sleep, I think, teasing his words just moments ago.

I prance across the floor, smiling at the thought of stealing a quick kiss in exchange for dragging me out of bed. I fling the door open, my face falling as I come to terms with the error I just made.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Eric hisses. I quickly try to shut the door on him, panicking at the memory of his threats towards me. The back of his hand strikes across my lips, knocking me to the ground, the taste of metal filling my taste buds.

I slide back, desperate to get to my feet to try to protect myself, I'm quick, perhaps I could get around him and out the door. In an instant his hand is gripping my hair hard, jerking me to my feet pulling me towards the bed. I'll see you at breakfast. My heart breaks knowing Tobias isn't coming back, I am here alone, with Eric.

"Do you know where your boyfriend is right now Tris?" I just stare at him, refusing to answer. "No? Well, let me fill you in. Your boyfriend, is getting told that he will be taking my leadership position as we speak." My eyes shift back and forth trying to understand.

"I don't understand." I say quietly.

"He took it from me!" He screams wildly. "So I am going to take something from him." He shoves me back onto the bed, my body is shaking uncontrollably as his hands pry my legs open. I viciously start kicking trying to fight him off when he jabs his gun into my side. "Stay still." He demands as his hand reaches for the band of my underwear.

I begin to sob, squeezing my eyes shut, calling to memory Tobias's gentle touch, how my body only belonged to him, until now. I wince at his fingers violent intrusion, tears rolling down my neck. Eric lets out a horrific cackle.

"He hasn't fucked you. He really is pathetic." I wait in terror as it looks like he is considering options. An evil smile crosses his face. "I think I'll let you keep your innocence just a little longer Tris." I almost let a breath of relief until he starts speaking again. "I think I'll be kind enough to let Four watch me take you. And I promise, it won't be short or gentle."

Another sob escapes my throat as I scurry back to lean against the headboard, pulling my knees to my chest. I rest my head on my knee's regretting the countless times I could have given myself to Tobias, now it's too late. We wait in silence, I pray he doesn't come, I don't want him to see me so weak, helpless as Eric uses me.

I'm startled when the door burst open, a sweaty and out of breath Tobias appears, looking frantic. "Tris!" He yells as he takes a large step towards me. He freezes when Eric clicks a bullet into place, demanding Tobias's attention. The blood leaves his face, he looks terrified and deep down I know it's not for himself, but for me.

Divergence: ChoicesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant