Chapter 34

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WARNING: This chapter is graphic and violent with themes of sexual assault.

I stare blankly at Max, not exactly sure of how to respond, where he stands in all this. "A serum? Not the one we use?"

"It's new, developed by Erudite. To use for our simulations."


"Why would we need a new one?"

He shrugs. "It was developed to be longer lasting. We will inject the initiates on Monday, the serum will last throughout initiation."

"What does it do exactly?"

"The exact same thing our does now."

Another lie.

I decide to see exactly where Max stands. We wanted to know his exact involvement, now is my chance.

I furrow my brows to give a look of concern. "Who's idea was this exactly?"

"Jeanine Matthews. She insisted it would cut cost as well as Erudite time in constantly supplying Dauntless with our current serum."

Sounds legitimate honestly. "It's probably nothing but, if the serum doesn't wear off.... this sounds crazy."

"You're an intelligent young man, if something concerns you, it's most likely a real concern."

"What stops someone from triggering fear simulations at anytime?"

"Why would someone do that?"

I shrug. "Most likely they wouldn't, but if they did.. we could have initiates running through their worst fears in the cafeteria. It could cause chaos."

I watch Max carefully, trying my best to read his demeanor. "I hadn't thought of something like that. Honestly, I voted against the idea. But you'll soon find that the Council is easily swayed by Erudite, and Jeanine Matthews is a master manipulator."

There it is. I can't help but wonder if he has told me because he truly wants my help or maybe he just wants to rid himself of a guilty conscious.

He doesn't give me long to consider his words. "Jeanine will be here Monday to help administer the serum as well as run some practice simulations. I'm confident you will be a proper host and assist in any way possible."

My heart is beating frantically, we are out of time. The war is coming now.

Max waves me out, catching me before I shut the door. "Four. Eric was furious with my decision. I imagine he will be on a war path, I suggest you watch your back for the time being."

"Eric isn't a threat to me." Max nods knowing that if there is a fight, it will not be in Eric's favor.

"Sometimes the best way to get to a man is to get to those closest to him. Just keep that in mind."


I leave Max's office in a hurry walking quickly to the cafeteria where she should be. My eyes instantly land on Zeke and Shauna. "Have you guys seen Tris?" I need to tell them everything else but my first priority is making sure she is safe.

"Not since last night." Shauna says. I look around, hoping I'll spot her in line still or possibly sitting somewhere else. I see her friends sitting a few tables away. As much as I don't want to talk to the Candor, this moment is more important.

"Christina, have you guys seen Tris?" My voice is stern. Christina huffs at me, not even bringing her eyes up to mine. She shoves another bite in her mouth clearly ignoring me. Without thinking I viciously shove her tray away from her.

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