Chapter 14

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We walk, hand and hand, sticking close to the walls to avoid the cameras. I never understood before this moment why people held hands, now I never want to let go.

"So, four fears huh?" She ask me nervously.

"Four then, four now. They haven't changed, so I keep going in there. But I don't think you ever really lose them."

I allow my index finger to stroke the inside of her palm as I lead her around the pit. She must of walked past this path a dozen times by now, never noticing it. I hold her hand tighter as I guide her down the narrow rocky path that leads to the bottom of the Chasm.

Few know of this place, it is hidden by sharp rocks and splashing water. It's where I come when I truly want to be alone, and now I will share it with Tris.

"You were going to tell me about your aptitude test results."

"Ah, does it really matter?"

"Yes, I want to know." Her voice now firm.

"How demanding you are." I lead her to an area at the end of the path where the rocks flatten and the current calms. I sit, dangling my feet of the edge, Tris release my hand and sits next to me. Her eyes are on me, awaiting my response.

"These are things I've never told anyone, you know. Not even my friends." I want her to know she is special, that I trust her. She laces her fingers with mine again, giving it a slight squeeze as if she is encouraging me.

"My results were as expected, Abnegation."

"Oh." I hear the disappointment in her voice. I bite my bottom lip, fighting a war with myself if I should share my darkest secret.

I consider the vulnerability Tris has been forced to share with me. Her Divergence, her simulation where she undressed, revealing her insecurities of her body. It's not fair, her choice to share those things on her own was take from her.

"As well as Dauntless." Its the first time I have ever admitted to being Divergent.

Her eyes flick to mine, she gives me a look as though we are now bonded by an internal pull. "I got those two also, as well as Erudite."

I look at her in amazement, no one has ever had an aptitude for three factions before.

"But you chose Dauntless? To get away from your dad?"

I nod in response.

"Is that why you don't want to be a leader? You would have to see him?" She really does have an aptitude for Erudite.

"That, and I guess I just never really felt like I belong here." I tell her quietly.

"But you're incredible." Her cheeks flushing instantly. "I mean, by Dauntless standards, four fears, that's unheard of." She quickly try's to cover her slip up.

"I have a theory that selflessness and bravery aren't all that different. All your life you've been training to forget yourself, so when you're in danger it becomes first instinct. I could fit in Abnegation just as easily."

I watch as she shifts nervously. "I left Abnegation because I wasn't selfless enough, no matter how hard I tried." Her voice sounds sad.

"That's not entirely true. That girl who let me throw knives at her to help a friend, who allowed my dad to hit her to protect me-that selfless girl, is that not you."

Tris grins at me. "You've been paying close attention I see." She raises her eyebrows at me.

"I like to observe people." I say shrugging shyly.

"Maybe you were cut out for Candor Four, because you're a terrible liar."

I hang my head and laugh to myself while rolling my eyes. "Fine." I lean my face closer to hers. "I watched you, because I like you. And don't call me Four okay? It felt good to hear my name again."

"But you're older than me Tobias." I smile at her.

"Yes, a whopping two years, it's almost insurmountable." Hoping she picks up the sarcasm in my voice.

She looks at me confused, "I don't get it, I'm younger, I'm not pretty, I..." She is cut off by the sound of my deep laughter. Does she really not know how strikingly beautiful she is. Does she not see how I look at her, unable to look away.

"Don't pretend, you know I'm not. I'm not ugly, but I'm certainly not pretty."

"Fine, you're not pretty, so what?" I lean down and kiss her cheek. "I like how you look. You're deadly smart. And brave. And even though you found out about Marcus, you're not giving me this look like I'm a kicked puppy."

"Well, you're not."

My breath quickens and nerves creep into my stomach, as I lean in closer to brush my lips against hers. I pull back just enough to see her reaction, she doesn't pull away. I press my lips to hers firmly, my first kiss, I imagine it is hers as well, but it's not enough.

I pull back far enough to bring my hands up to her face and kiss her again. This time more sure of myself. Tris instantly responds, wrapping her arms around my back, gliding one up my spine to my neck, twisting her fingers in my hair pulling me closer. I deepen the kiss, allowing my lips to consume hers, tasting every part of them.

For these precious moments, time freezes. There is no impending war, Divergents, Factions, or fear. There is just a teenage boy and a teenage girl, kissing at the bottom of the Chasm.

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